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"Information Storage and Retrieval Experiment Guide.doc"; Information Storage and Retrieval Experiment Guide.doc; "Information Storage and Retrieval" Experiment Guide
Name: ________________________ Student ID: ________________________ Class: ________________________ Semester: ________________________ Time: ________________________ February 2009, Department of Information Management, Nanchang University
1. Retrieval Experiment Guide
This guide provides instructions for conducting the retrieval experiment in the course "Information Storage and Retrieval." Students are required to follow the steps outlined in this guide to effectively retrieve information using various tools and databases.
2. Retrieval Experiment Report Example
In this section, a sample report for the retrieval experiment is provided. It includes an example of using Chinese retrieval tools and databases, such as the "Chinese Academic Journal Database." The report demonstrates how to conduct searches, evaluate search results, and analyze retrieved information.
Overall, the experiment aims to help students develop practical skills in information retrieval, including using different tools and databases, understanding search strategies, analyzing search results, and reporting findings accurately. It is an essential part of the course in Information Storage and Retrieval, providing hands-on experience in retrieving relevant information efficiently. Students are encouraged to actively participate in the experiment and apply the knowledge and skills gained to real-world information retrieval tasks.
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