The core chapters, 2 through 15, cover the following topics:
■ Chapter 2, “Wireless LAN Controllers and Access Points”: This chapter discusses
the different wireless controller and AP models and the differences between them. It
also covers hardware and software requirements.
■ Chapter 3, “Introduction to LWAPP”: This chapter discusses the basic concepts
behind the Lightweight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP).
■ Chapter 4, “The CAPWAP Protocol”: This chapter covers the Control and Provising
of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) protocol, including session establishment,
troubleshooting the discovery and join process, and CAPWAP communication.
■ Chapter 5, “Network Design Considerations”: This chapter covers physical and log-
ical install and design considerations for the controllers and APs. It covers controller
failover, access layer, distribution layer, service block controller installations, WAN
considerations, and dense access point deployments and location.
■ Chapter 6, “Understanding the Troubleshooting Tools”: This chapter covers the options
and possibilities for troubleshooting wired and wireless issues within your deployments.
■ Chapter 7, “Deploying and Configuring the Wireless LAN Controller”: This chap-
ter explains how to deploy and configure the Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) for
connectivity with APs using multiple AP-Managers and link aggregation (LAG). The
chapter also covers how to troubleshoot some of the more common WLC issues.
■ Chapter 8, “Access Point Registration”: This chapter covers the AP registration
process for a controller and the methods for AP discovery and troubleshooting.
■ Chapter 9, “Mobility”: This chapter discusses intra-, inter-, Layer 2, and Layer 3 con-
troller roaming and troubleshooting. It also covers AP mobility between controllers.
■ Chapter 10, “Troubleshooting Client-Related Issues”: This chapter covers general
client information, client associations, debugs on the client, use of wireless and
wired sniffer traces, local AP debugs, and interpreting the output of debug client on
the controller command-line interface (CLI).
■ Chapter 11, “Wireless Voice”: This chapter examines proper voice deployment
guidelines, configuring the controller for voice depolyments, common voice-related
troubleshooting methods, and proper quality of service (QoS) for wireless voice
■ Chapter 12, “Radio Resource Management”: This chapter examines the auto-RF fea-
ture of the controllers and how RF groups and group leaders are elected. It also covers
dynamic channel assignment, transmit power control, coverage hole detection, and
Radio Resource Management (RRM) guidelines, enhancements, and troubleshooting.
■ Chapter 13, “H-REAP”: This chapter covers Hybrid Remote Edge Access Point (H-
REAP) configuration and troubleshooting, differences between REAP and H-REAP,
Split MAC versus Local MAC, H-REAP modes of operation, configuration, and