"基于Design Expert软件的机器人去毛刺工艺参数优化研究"
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In this paper, the deburring parameters of the robot were optimized by response surface design method (RSM) based on the background that the robot was used to remove surface residues from high-voltage copper contacts. The Box-Behnken design method was used to design an experimental plan based on three factors of cutting amount and conduct a three-factor and three-level experiment. The pressure P, feed rate V, and side cutting amount were selected as the three input factors, and the cutting tangential force and edge surface roughness were respectively taken as the response values. Through model variance analysis, response surface analysis, and optimization of cutting tangential force, the optimal process experimental parameters were obtained and the optimal process parameter experiments were conducted. The results show that the optimal working parameters for robot deburring are rotor pressure of 0.27Mpa, feed rate of 30mm/s, and side cutting amount of 0.06mm. Under these optimal conditions, the surface roughness of the robot during deburring is minimized and the cutting force is moderate, which can meet the optimization goal.
Keywords: robot; deburring; cutting force; response surface method; parameter optimization
2020-07-21 上传
2022-07-10 上传
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