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With the increasing demand for information sharing and circulation in the information age, traditional management methods are no longer suitable. In order to upgrade the management mode and better maintain information, the development and application of the Wenwan sales mini-program has become necessary. Through the development of the Wenwan sales mini-program, not only can the technology of WeChat mini-programs be put into practical use, but also the usage of MySQL can be mastered, which will help to test and improve one's programming skills. Especially through practice, a deeper understanding of the system development process can be gained, whether it is the analysis and design in the early stage or the later stages of coding and testing, etc.
By using tools such as the Wenwan sales mini-program, information can be systematized, processed in a standardized manner, and flow in a regulated way. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that the information system follows the actual operational process, standardizes the information processing, and preserves information electronically, making it easier for management personnel to retrieve information and streamline operations. This can truly shorten the time spent on information processing, and save manpower and information management costs.
Keywords: Wenwan sales mini-program, WeChat mini-program technology, MySQL
Overall, the development and utilization of the Wenwan sales mini-program is crucial for upgrading the management mode and improving information processing efficiency in the modern information age. Through this project, practical skills in WeChat mini-program technology and MySQL database usage can be honed, while also deepening the understanding of system development processes. By streamlining information management and standardizing processing procedures, the Wenwan sales mini-program can significantly enhance operational efficiency and reduce costs in information management.
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