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As people's material life continues to improve, the variety of items people purchase is also increasing. Consequently, the number of lost items during daily activities is on the rise. This applies to campuses as well, where the area of campus grounds and the number of students are constantly expanding. Students are also carrying more items with them when going to classes. Rushing between classes often leads to the loss of personal belongings. Due to the large size of campuses, other students who come across lost items are often unable to find the owners in a timely manner and return the items. Instead, lost items are typically left in a designated area within the school for the owners to retrieve later. After conducting research and analysis on the relationship between network technology and campus intelligence, it is hoped that a campus lost and found system can be developed using the internet to achieve a network-based lost and found experience. The goal is to shorten the time it takes to reclaim lost items. Furthermore, it was found that students on campuses have a high frequency of mobile internet usage, with WeChat being a frequently used app. Therefore, the proposed campus lost and found platform will be implemented as a WeChat mini-program. This implementation will conveniently allow campus students to instantly view information on lost and found items.
Keywords: WeChat Mini-program, campus lost and found, information posting.
2023-07-07 上传
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2023-07-18 上传
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