the same pseudorapidity range as the leading lepton. The photon in the eeγ (µµγ) channel
is required to satisfy p
> 65 (40) GeV and |η| < 2.5. Electrons and photons in the ECAL
barrel-endcap transition region (1.44 < |η| < 1.57) are excluded from the analysis. In the
eeγ channel, the p
thresholds on the electrons and photons in the ECAL endcap region are
increased to 70 GeV, in order to ensure a fully efficient trigger. Photons are required to be
separated from lepton candidates by ∆R > 0.4, to reduce the background from final-state
radiation in Z → `` events. The invariant mass of the dilepton system is required to be
50 < m
< 130 GeV. The minimum dilepton mass requirement suppresses contributions
from pp → γγ
events, where an internal conversion of a photon produces a lepton pair.
Finally, we require the ratio of the photon p
to m
to be greater than 0.27. This require-
ment suppresses backgrounds due to jets misidentified as photons, without significant loss
in the signal efficiency and without introducing a bias in the m
spectrum. We search for
resonances in the m
spectrum above 300 (250) GeV in the electron (muon) channel.
For the Jγ channel, the photon candidates are required to have p
> 200 GeV and
to fall within the barrel fiducial region of the ECAL (|η| < 1.44). Events with a photon
reconstructed in the endcap region suffer from high γ+jets background and do not add to
the sensitivity of the analysis; therefore they are not considered. Photon candidates in the
event are required to be separated from large-radius jets by a distance of ∆R > 1.1, which
guarantees that the photon isolation cone is not contaminated with the jet constituents.
To identify Z boson candidates in the Jγ channel, the reconstructed large-radius jet
mass, evaluated after applying a jet pruning algorithm [63, 64], is used. The jet pruning
reclusters the jet constituents and eliminates soft, large-angle QCD radiation, which oth-
erwise contributes significantly to the jet mass. The pruning algorithm reclusters each jet
starting from its original constituents with the Cambridge-Aachen (CA) algorithm [65] and
discards soft and wide-angle recombinations in each step of the iterative CA procedure.
The pruned jet mass (m
) is computed from the sum of the four-momenta of the re-
maining constituents, which are corrected with the same factor as has already been used
in the generic jet reconstruction described above. A detailed description of the pruning
algorithm can be found in ref. [66]. For the signal selection, we require a Z candidate to
have 75 < m
< 105 GeV.
Finally, in the Jγ channel a requirement is imposed on the ratio of photon p
the reconstructed Zγ mass of p
> 0.34, with the cutoff chosen, based on a study
of simulated signals and backgrounds, to maximize the discovery potential for a narrow
resonance. We search for resonances with masses m
> 650 GeV in this channel.
To further discriminate against the QCD multijet and γ+jets backgrounds in the Jγ
channel, we categorize the events according to the likelihood of a large-radius jet to contain
subjets originating from b quark fragmentation and to contain exactly two subjets. In
order to do so, we employ subjet b tagging and N-subjettiness [67] variables (τ
). The
N-subjettiness observable measures the spatial distribution of jet constituents relative to
candidate subjet axes in order to quantify how well the jet can be divided into N subjets.
Subjet axes are determined by a one-pass optimization procedure, which minimizes N -
subjettiness [68]. In particular, the ratio of 2- to 1-subjettiness, τ
= τ
, offers an
excellent separation between the QCD jets and jets from vector boson decays [69], which
tend to have lower τ
values than the former.
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