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"Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook 2nd Edition" 是一本专注于Jenkins持续集成实践的书籍,由Alan Mark Berg撰写。这本书提供了超过90个专业级别的策略、技术和解决方案,帮助读者利用Jenkins实现高效的持续集成流程,以提高软件开发的质量和效率。 Jenkins是一个开源的持续集成工具,广泛用于自动化各种软件开发任务,如构建、测试和部署。在本书中,作者深入探讨了Jenkins的关键功能和最佳实践,包括: 1. **安装与配置**: 详细介绍了如何安装和设置Jenkins环境,包括服务器配置、插件管理以及工作区的设定。 2. **构建触发器**: 讨论了如何配置不同的触发机制,如源代码管理系统的钩子,以实现自动化的构建过程。 3. **构建与测试自动化**: 阐述了如何集成各种构建工具(如Maven、Gradle)和自动化测试框架(如JUnit、Selenium),以确保代码质量。 4. **持续部署**: 解释了如何通过Jenkins实现自动化部署到各种环境,如开发、测试和生产环境。 5. **蓝绿部署与金丝雀发布**: 介绍了高级部署策略,如蓝绿部署和金丝雀发布,以减少服务中断并提升部署可靠性。 6. **Jenkinsfile与Pipeline**: 详述了使用Jenkinsfile定义和管理Pipeline,以及编写Docker化和参数化的Pipeline脚本。 7. **插件应用**: 详细讨论了各种常用的Jenkins插件,如SonarQube用于代码质量分析,JIRA用于问题跟踪,以及邮件通知插件等。 8. **性能监控与故障排查**: 讲解了如何利用Jenkins监控构建性能,并解决可能出现的问题和故障。 9. **安全性与权限管理**: 提供了关于保护Jenkins服务器的安全实践,包括用户认证、权限控制和加密通信。 10. **扩展与集成**: 探讨了Jenkins与其他工具和服务的集成,如CI/CD工具链中的Git、Docker、Kubernetes等。 本书旨在帮助读者掌握Jenkins的核心能力,提升软件团队的持续集成和交付能力。无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中找到提升Jenkins使用效率的实用技巧和策略。通过学习这些内容,你可以有效地优化你的持续集成流程,使软件项目更加健壮、可维护,并加快新功能的交付速度。
2015-03-05 上传
Title: Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook, 2nd Edition Author: Alan Mark Berg Length: 360 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2015-01-29 ISBN-10: 1784390089 ISBN-13: 9781784390082 Over 90 recipes to produce great results from Jenkins using pro-level practices, techniques, and solutions About This Book Explore the use of more than 40 best-of-breed plug-ins for improving efficiency Secure and maintain Jenkins by integrating it with LDAP and CAS, which is a Single Sign-on solution Step-by-step, easy-to-use instructions to optimize the existing features of Jenkins using the complete set of plug-ins that Jenkins offers Who This Book Is For If you are a Java developer, a software architect, a technical project manager, a build manager, or a development or QA engineer, then this book is ideal for you. A basic understanding of the software development life cycle and Java development is needed, as well as a rudimentary understanding of Jenkins. In Detail Jenkins is an award-wining and one of the most popular Continuous Integration servers in the market today. It was designed to maintain, secure, communicate, test, build, and improve the software development process. This book starts by examining the most common maintenance tasks. This is followed by steps that enable you to enhance the overall security of Jenkins. You will then explore the relationship between Jenkins builds and Maven pom.xml. Then, you will learn how to use plugins to display code metrics and fail builds to improve quality, followed by how to run performance and functional tests against a web application and web services. Finally, you will see what the available plugins are, concluding with best practices to improve quality. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Maintaining Jenkins Chapter 2: Enhancing Security Chapter 3: Building Software Chapter 4: Communicating through Jenkins Chapter 5: Using Metrics to Improve Quality Chapter 6: Testing Remotely Chapter 7: