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With the rapid expansion of enrollment in Chinese higher education institutions, the management of educational affairs in universities and colleges has become increasingly important. As an indispensable part of university management, the educational administration system plays a crucial role. With the rapid development of modern computer technology and information technology, the informatization construction of educational management system not only makes the educational work of universities more convenient, but also improves the teaching efficiency of the school. Based on the current status and development level of informatization in the educational system of universities, this article focuses on the hardware aspect of the educational management system. It proposes and designs a functional embedded system that can achieve paperless operation, lighten daily educational work, and combine with the basic facilities of universities and colleges. This system is a multi-functional educational information display system based on STM32 microcontroller, mainly mounted at the door of classrooms to replace the paper-based timetable, and integrates other functions such as student clock-in, course adjustment, and exam notifications. Keywords: educational informatization construction; paperless operation; functional embedded system; multi-functional educational information display system.
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