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In the modern era, the demand for password locks in various industries and sectors has become increasingly important. With the advancement of technology, especially in the fields of microcontroller and integrated circuit technology, the development of anti-theft remote control technology has provided a system circuit that is fully functional, easy to operate, reliable, and cost-effective. The design of the infrared remote control password lock combines the infrared remote control technology with microcontroller technology, primarily used in home anti-theft door systems. The main function of this design is to allow a user to set a password for the lock. When someone outside wants to enter, they can input a code on the infrared remote control. The system then compares this password with the one set by the user. If the password is correct, the electromagnetic actuator is activated to unlock the door and allow entry. If the password is incorrect, the operator is given the opportunity to re-enter the password, with a maximum of three attempts. If all three attempts fail, the microcontroller triggers a warning using a buzzer and automatically locks the door for half an hour before allowing another attempt. Through this stringent verification process, the possibility of strangers entering the premises is greatly reduced, ensuring the safety of the residents. This intelligent password lock system is a crucial tool in enhancing security measures in residential spaces with its keywords being password lock, infrared remote control, microcontroller, and intelligent control.
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