Mode-locked erbium-doped all fiber laser using few-layer graphene
as a saturable absorber
G.X. Liu
, D.J. Feng
, M.S. Zhang
, S.Z. Jiang
, C. Zhang
School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
College of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China
article info
Article history:
Received 30 April 2014
Received in revised form
13 January 2015
Accepted 9 February 2015
Available online 17 April 2015
Graphene SA
Fiber laser
We demonstrate an erbium-doped fiber laser that is passively mode locked by a few-layer graphene
saturable absorber. Monolayer graphene was fabricated on copper foil by the chemical vapor deposition
method and the corresponding Raman spectroscopy was measured. Few-layer graphene films were
transferred to the end surface of fiber connector by the adsorption effect of Van der Waals force to
fabricate the saturable absorber. Stable mode-locked pulses at a central wavelength of 1568.1 nm were
obtained. The repetition rate, maximum average output power, and pulse width were 7.29 MHz,
1.68 mW, and 58.8 ps, respectively. Experimental results illustrate that few-layer graphene is a
promising saturable absorber for mode-locked fiber laser.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Pulse fiber laser has attractive application prospect in various
industrial and scientific research areas, such as optical communica-
tions, military and biomedicine research [1–4]. Recently , passively
mode-locke d rare-earth-doped fiber lasers have aroused considerable
attention for their simple structure, lower vibration threshold and all-
fiber structure compared with other solid state lasers [5].The
dominant technology is based on semiconductor saturable absorption
mirrors (SESAMs). How ever , it has a narrow tuning range and requires
complex fabrication and packaging. A simple, cost-effective alternative
is to use single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) [6–7].Broadband
tunability is possible by using SWCNT s with a wide diameter
distribution. How ever , the dra wback of SWCNT s is that it tends to
form bundled and entangled morphology, which will cause strong
scattering and thus strong nonsaturable losses. Moreover , ultrashort
pulse radiation multiphot on effect induced oxidation occurs, which
degrades the long-term stability of the absorber [8–10].
Since appeared in 2004, graphene has gained increasing atten-
tion. This strictly two-dimensional material exhibits extraordina-
rily high crystal and electronic quality. The linear dispersion of the
Dirac electrons in graphene offers an ideal solution to overcome
the inherent drawbacks of SESAMs and SWCNTs: there is always
an electron–hole pair in resonance for any excitation. The ultrafast
carrier dynamics, combined with large absorption and Pauli
blocking, make graphene an ideal ultra-broadband, fast saturable
absorber. Contrasted with SESAMs and SWCNTs, there is no need
of bandgap engineering or diameter control for graphene [11–16].
Many research groups have successfully used graphene as the
saturable absorber to produce ultrafast optical pulse [17–19].In
2013, Jiang et al. reported that a passively Q-switched nanosecond
Tm-doped fiber laser at 1957 nm wavelength was constructed by
using a graphene-based saturable absorber [20]. In the year of
2010, Ferrari et al. demonstrated that they put the graphene flake
into the ring cavity and successfully built a passively mode-locked
pulse fiber laser system [21]. These graphene flakes were manu-
factured by centrifuged graphene dispersion and polyvinyl alcohol
by a chemistry method. The output pulse duration was 1 ps and
the tunable output spectral range was from 1525 to 1559 nm due
to a tunable filter in the cavity. In 2009, Tang et al. theoretically
analyzed the mode-locking theory of graphene and utilized a
1480 nm high power semiconductor laser as pump source to
experimentally generate ultrafast pulses (756 fs) at the telecom-
munication band. They also demonstrated that the modulation
depth could be tuned in a wide range from 66.5% to 6.2% by
changing the graphene thickness. However the graphene flake
used in this experiment was floated off from the SiO
/Si substrate
and this method of producing graphene has crystallization pro-
blem, thus affecting the purity [22].
In this paper, monolay er graphene was synthesized on copper foils
successfully by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Then the graphene
film was transferred onto the end surface of fiber connector by the
adsorption effect of Van der W aals force to fabricate the saturable
absorber [23]. Lastly, we studied the output charact eristics of ring
cavity erbium-doped fiber laser experimentally . The output pulses
with the repetition rate of 7.29 MHz were obtained at the wa velen gth
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Optics & Laser Technology
0030-3992/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E-mail address: dejunfeng@sdu.edu.cn (D.J. Feng).
Optics & Laser Technology 72 (2015) 70–73