second module is the Fast R-CNN detector [2] that uses the
proposed regions. The entire system is a single, unified net-
work for object detection (Fig. 2). Using the recently popular
terminology of neural networks with ‘attention’ [31] mecha-
nisms, the RPN module tells the Fast R-CNN module where
to look. In Section 3.1 we introduce the designs and proper-
ties of the network for region proposal. In Section 3.2 we
develop algorithms for training both modules with features
3.1 Region Proposal Networks
A Region Proposal Network takes an image (of any size)
as input and outputs a set of rectangular object proposals,
each with an objectness score.
We model this process
with a fully convolutional network [7], which we describe
in this section. Because our ultimate goal is to share com-
putation with a Fast R-CNN object detection network [2],
we assume that both nets share a common s et of convolu-
tional layers. In our experiments, we investigate the
Zeiler and Fergus model [32] (ZF), whic h has five share-
able convolutional layers and the Simo nyan and Zisser-
man model [3] (VGG-16), which has 13 sha reable
convolutional layers.
To generate region proposals, we slide a small network
over the convolutional feature map output by the last
shared convolutional layer. This small network takes as
input an n n spatial window of the input convolutional
feature map. Each sliding window is mapped to a lower-
dimensional feature (256-d for ZF and 512-d for VGG, with
ReLU [33] following). This feature is fed into two sibling
fully-connected layers—a box-regression layer (reg) and a
box-classification layer (cls). We use n ¼ 3 in this paper,
noting that the effective receptive field on the input image
is large (171 and 228 pixels for ZF and VGG, respectively).
This mini-network is illustrated at a single position in
Fig. 3 (left). Note that because the mini-network operates
in a sliding-window fashion, the fully-connected layers are
shared across all spatial locations. This architecture is natu-
rally implemented with an n n convolutional layer fol-
lowed by two sibling 1 1 convolutional layers (for reg
and cls, respectively).
3.1.1 Anchors
At each sliding-window location, we simultaneously pre-
dict multiple region proposals, where the number of maxi-
mum possible proposals for each location is denoted as k.
So the reg layer has 4 k outputs encoding the coordinates of
k boxes, and the cls layer outputs 2k scores that estimate
probability of object or not object for each proposal.
The k
proposals are parameterized relative to k reference boxes,
which we call anchors. An anchor is centered at the sliding
window in question, and is associated with a scale and
aspect ratio (Fig. 3, left). By default we use three scales and
three aspect ratios, yielding k ¼ 9 anchors at each sliding
position. For a convolutional feature map of a size W H
(typically 2; 400), there are WHk anchors in total.
Translation-Invariant Anchors. An important property of
our approach is that it is translation invariant, both in terms
of the anchors and the functions that compute proposals rel-
ative to the anchors. If one translates an object in an image,
the proposal should translate and the same function should
be able to predict the proposal in either location. This trans-
lation-invariant property is guaranteed by our method.
a comparison, the MultiBox method [27] uses k-means to
generate 800 anchors, which are not translation invariant. So
MultiBox does not guarantee that the same proposal is gen-
erated if an object is translated.
The translation-invariant property also reduces the
model size. MultiBox has a ð4 þ 1Þ800-dimensional fully-
connected output layer, whereas our method has a
ð4 þ 2Þ9-dimensional convolutional output layer in the
case of k ¼ 9 anchors.
As a result, our output layer has
2:8 10
parameters (512 ð4 þ 2Þ9 for VGG-16), two
orders of magnitude fewer than MultiBox’s output layer
that has 6:1 10
parameters (1; 536 ð4 þ 1Þ800 for
GoogleNet [34] in MultiBox [27]). If considering the feature
projection layers, our proposal layers still have an order of
magnitude fewer parameters than MultiBox.
We expect
our method to have less risk of overfitting on small datasets,
Multi-Scale Anchors as Regression References.Ourdesign
of anchors presents a novel scheme for addressing multi-
ple scales (and aspect ratios). As shown in Fig. 1, there
have been two popular ways for m ulti-scale predictions.
The first way is based on image/feature pyramids, e.g., in
Fig. 2. Faster R-CNN is a single, unified network for object detection.
The RPN module serves as the ‘attention’ of this unified network.
3. “Region” is a generic term and in this paper we only consider rect-
angular regions, as is common for many methods (e.g., [4], [6], [27]).
“Objectness” measures membership to a set of object classes
versus background.
4. For simplicity we implement the cls layer as a two-class softmax
layer. Alternatively, one may use logistic regression to produce k
5. As is the case of FCNs [7], our network is translation invariant up
to the network’s total stride.
6. 4 is the dimension of reg term for each category, and 1 or 2 is the
dimension of cls term of sigmoid or softmax for each category.
7. Considering the feature projection layers, our proposal layers’
parameter count is 3 3 512 512 þ 512 6 9 ¼ 2:4 10
; Multi-
Box’s proposal layers’ parameter count is
7 7 ð64 þ 96 þ 64 þ 64Þ1; 536 þ 1; 536 5 800 ¼ 27 10