On the Sum Rate of MIMO Nakagami-m
Fading Channels with Linear Receivers
Caijun Zhong, Member, IEEE, Michail Matthaiou, Member, IEEE, Aiping Huang, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Zhaoyang Zhang, Member, IEEE
Abstract—We investigate the ergodic sum rate of multiple-
input multiple-output Nakagami-m fading channels with linear
receivers. In particular, both mean square error and zero-
forcing receivers are considered. For dual transmit antenna
configurations, we present new, closed-form upper bounds on
the ergodic sum rate of both receivers. Moreover, we derive
exact expressions for the two key parameters dictating the sum
rate behavior in the low signal to noise ratio regime, namely
the minimum energy per information bit to reliably convey any
positive rate and the wideband slope. By doing so, we are able
to explicitly demonstrate the sub-optimality of linear receivers
compared to optimal receivers, and draw useful insights into the
impact of model parameters (e.g., number of antennas, fading
Index Terms—Linear receivers, MIMO systems, Nakagami-m
fading, sum rate.
T has been demonstrated that the capacity of multiple-
input multiple-output (MIMO) systems increases linearly
with the minimum number of the antennas in a rich scattering
environment [1]. This seminal discovery has triggered enor-
mous interest in understanding the capacity limits of MIMO
systems in various practical propagation environments. Thus
far, the effects of antenna correlation, line-of-sight, frequency
selectivity and keyhole phenomenon on the capacity of MIMO
systems have been well studied (see for example [2–5] and
references therein). The common characteristic of the above
mentioned works is that they all assume the use of optimal
nonlinear maximum likelihood (ML) receivers.
While ML receivers minimize the error probability when
all data vectors are equally likely by performing an exhaustive
search, they also entail the highest implementation complex-
ity, which may be prohibitive for practical cost-constrained
Manuscript received November 18, 2011; revised March 19 and May 19,
2012; accepted July 2, 2012. The associate editor coordinating the review of
this paper and approving it for publication was M.-O. Pun.
This work was supported in part by the National Key Basic Research
Program of China (No. 2012CB316104), the Nature Science Foundation of
China (61201229, 60972058 and 60972057), the Zhejiang Provincial Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. LQ12F01006 and No. LR12F01002), the
Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities (2012QNA5011), and
the Supporting Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University
(NCET-09-0701). The work of M. Matthaiou was supported in part by the
Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) within
the VINN Excellence Center Chase. Part of the paper has been presented
at the IEEE Sensor and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM),
Hoboken, NJ, June 2012.
C. Zhong, A. Huang, and Z. Zhang are with the Institute of Information and
Communication Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China
(e-mail: {caijunzhong, aiping.huang, ning
M. Matthaiou is with the Department of Signals and Systems, Chalmers
University of Technology, SE-412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2012.090312.112054
communications systems. In light of this fact, low complexity
linear receivers, such as minimum mean square error (MMSE)
receiver and zero-forcing (ZF) receivers, have also received
a considerable amount of interest. For Rayleigh and Rician
fading channels, [6] proposed a generic framework for an-
alyzing the ergodic sum rate of MIMO systems employing
MMSE receivers, while a similar framework for ZF receivers
appeared recently in [7]. Yet, these studies were limited to
the case where the entries of the channel matrix are Gaussian
It is well known that the Nakagami-m distribution rep-
resents a more general fading model, which encompasses
Rayleigh fading as a special case and can accurately ap-
proximate the Rician fading model [8]. Despite its practical
importance, very few works have studied the ergodic capacity
of MIMO Nakagami-m fading channels. This can be mainly
attributed to the difficulty in statistically characterizing the
eigenstatistics of the instantaneous MIMO correlation matrix
when the elements of H are not Gaussian distributed.
We recall that for H being Gaussian distributed, we can draw
upon the vast body of existing results on Wishart matrices. For
a contemporary review of Wishart theory and its application
to wireless communications, see [9].
In the context of Nakagami-m MIMO fading channels, [10]
derived the ergodic capacity of 2 ×2 and 2 ×3 MIMO config-
urations, while [11] proposed generic ergodic capacity upper
and lower bounds for arbitrary size configurations. Most lately,
[12] addressed the case with non-uniform phase distribution.
However, all these works have assumed the use of optimal
ML receivers. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there
has been no prior work investigating the sum rate performance
of MIMO Nakagami-m fading channels with linear receivers.
Motivated by this, we hereafter study the ergodic sum rate
of MIMO Nakagami-m fading channels with MMSE and ZF
receivers. In particular, we are interested in the scenario where
the receiver has perfect channel state information, while the
transmitter does not have channel state information.
In this paper, we mainly focus on dual antenna configura-
tions, which are of high practical importance. For this reason,
these configurations have been well studied in the open liter-
ature [13–15]. More importantly, they have been employed in
next generation wireless standards, such as WiMAX and LTE-
advanced [16]. In the following, we derive new, closed-form
upper bounds on the ergodic sum rate of MIMO Nakagami-
m fading channels with 2 transmit antennas and N
antennas for both MMSE and ZF receivers. In the low signal to
We note that H represents the MIMO fading matrix while H
denotes the
Hermitian transpose of H.
2012 IEEE