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Abstract: This paper focuses on the research and implementation of the image Radon transform. Using the Engine interface provided by MATLAB, the complete operation of MATLAB in MFC is achieved. By taking advantage of the efficient computation and flexible matrix processing capabilities of MATLAB, the inconvenience brought by using VC alone in terms of computation and visualization at runtime is overcome. The Radon transform is implemented through the mixed compilation of MFC and MATLAB. Therefore, by analyzing the different amplitudes and phases of the image after the Radon transform, the contours and sizes of the image can be obtained, making the Radon transform applicable in various fields such as tomography (CAT scan), barcode scanners, electron microscopes for virus and protein assemblies, and reflection seismology.
Keywords: Radon, projection, reconstruction, image.
220 浏览量
210 浏览量
2023-09-12 上传
2023-08-20 上传
2023-09-12 上传
2023-05-28 上传
- 粉丝: 1w+
- 资源: 3937
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