
需积分: 0 49 下载量 94 浏览量 更新于2024-03-21 2 收藏 2.9MB DOC 举报
Controller Area Network (CAN) is a widely used fieldbus system that was developed by the German company BOSCH and has become an international standard. This article explores the application of CAN bus in the context of industrial control systems, specifically within the engineering machinery industry. Drawing on the extensive experience of Beijing Pruiset in the crane industry, the article focuses on the structure of CAN bus systems, message and exception handling, an introduction to industrial control systems, and a practical example of CAN application in crane control systems. The article begins by providing an overview of CAN bus, explaining its system structure, message formats, and how it handles exceptions. It then introduces industrial control systems before diving into a real-world example of CAN application in crane control systems. Overall, this article serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing CAN bus communication in industrial control systems, specifically within the context of crane control. Through detailed explanations and a practical example, readers can gain valuable insights into the benefits and applications of CAN bus technology in the engineering machinery industry.