NR 670, Sec 1
July 2021 Bureau Veritas 5
1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 This Rule Note provides requirements for the arrange-
ment, installation, control and monitoring of machinery,
equipment and systems using methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel to
minimize the risk to the ship, its crew and the environment,
having regard to the nature of the fuels involved.
1.1.2 This Rule Note incorporates requirements from IMO
MSC.1/Circ.1621, which are applicable for Classification
1.1.3 Ships using methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel and falling
within the scope of SOLAS Convention are to comply with
the requirements of IMO IGF Code and Flag Administration
rules as applicable.
1.1.4 In accordance with the requirements of NR467, Pt A,
Ch 1, Sec 2, ships complying with the requirements of this
Rule Note will be eligible for assignment of a classification
notation defined in [1.2].
Note 1: NR467 Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships.
Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of
Sec 1
are applicable to all ships.
In addition to the requirements of Sec 1 to Sec 12, ships
assigned with the service notation chemical tanker, and
designed to use methyl/ethyl alcohol cargo as fuel, are to
comply with the requirements of Sec 13.
1.2 Classification notations
1.2.1 Ships complying with the requirements of this Rule
Note will be eligible for assignment of the additional ser-
vice feature methanolfuel or LFPfuel for other alcohols as
defined in NR467, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.13].
The additional service feature methanolfuel or LFPfuel is
completed by:
• the notation singlefuel when the engine uses only
methyl/ethyl alcohol as fuel
• the notation dualfuel when the engine uses methyl/ethyl
alcohol fuel and oil fuel.
The additional service feature e.g. methanolfuel dualfuel or
methanolfuel singlefuel may be completed by:
• the notation -prop when methyl/ethyl alcohol fuel is
only used for propulsion systems
• the notation -aux when methyl/ethyl alcohol fuel is only
used for auxiliary systems.
1.3 Documentation to be submitted
1.3.1 With reference to [1.2], for ships to be assigned the
additional service feature methanolfuel or LFPfuel for other
alcohols, the documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted
for approval or information.
1.4 Definitions
1.4.1 For the purpose of this Rule Note, the terms used
have the meanings defined in the following paragraphs.
Terms not defined are to have the same meaning as in
NR467 Rules for Steel Ships, NR566 Hull arrangement, sta-
bility and systems for ships less than 500 GT and NR529
Gas Fuelled Ships.
1.4.2 Bunkering
Bunkering means the transfer of fuel from land-based or
floating facilities into ships' permanent tanks or connection
of portable tanks to the fuel supply system.
1.4.3 Fuel
Fuel means methyl/ethyl alcohol fuels, containing allow-
able additives or impurities. Physical and chemical proper-
ties considered for the application of the present Rule Note
are those of the products identified under CAS 67-56-1, UN
1230 or EC 00-659-6 for methyl alcohol and CAS 64-17-5,
UN 1170, or EC 200-578-6 for ethyl alcohol.
1.4.4 Fuel tank
Fuel tank is any integral, independent or portable tank used
for storage of fuel. The spaces around the fuel tank are
defined as follows:
• fuel storage hold space is the space enclosed by the
ship's structure in which an independent fuel tank is
located. If tank connections are located in the fuel stor-
age hold space, a fuel storage hold space also is to be
considered as tank connection space. Integral fuel tanks
do not have a fuel storage hold space
• cofferdam is a structural space surrounding a fuel tank
which provides an added layer of gas and liquid tight-
ness protection against external fire and toxic and flam-
mable vapours between the fuel tank and other areas of
the ship
• tank connection space is a space surrounding all tank
connections and tank valves that is required for tanks
with such connections in enclosed spaces.
1.4.5 Fuel preparation space
Fuel preparation space means any space containing equip-
ment for fuel preparation purposes, such as fuel pumps, fuel
valve train, heat exchangers and filters.