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"Mobile App Development with Ionic3, Revised Edition" 是一本由 Chris Griffith 所著的专业书籍,针对移动应用开发提供深入指南,特别聚焦于使用 Ionic 3、Angular 和 Cordova 进行跨平台应用程序的构建。本书旨在帮助开发者掌握最新版本的 Ionic 框架,该框架是用于快速开发高质量移动应用的流行工具集。 书中内容覆盖了从入门到高级的主题,包括但不限于以下几个关键知识点: 1. **Ionic Framework简介**:介绍了 Ionic 的历史、架构以及它在移动应用开发中的地位,强调其基于 Angular 框架的优势,如 MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel)模式和组件化开发。 2. **安装与配置**:详细讲解如何安装和设置开发环境,包括 Node.js、Angular CLI、Cordova 等,确保读者能够顺利搭建起开发工具链。 3. **组件与UI设计**:展示了 Ionic 提供的一系列预定义 UI 组件,以及如何自定义和组合这些组件来创建美观且响应式的用户界面。 4. **服务与状态管理**:探讨如何使用 Angular 的 RxJS 库进行异步数据处理和状态管理,以及如何利用 Ionic 的 Storage API 存储和检索数据。 5. **插件与 Cordova集成**:介绍 Cordova 的作用,以及如何使用其提供的原生功能插件,将移动设备的硬件能力引入到 Ionic 应用中。 6. **性能优化与调试**:讨论如何提升应用性能,包括减少网络请求、优化图片加载、以及使用 Ionic 的 DevTools 进行调试。 7. **实战项目示例**:书中包含多个实际项目的开发步骤,通过实践帮助读者巩固所学知识,并学习如何将理论应用到实际开发流程中。 8. **版本更新与维护**:鉴于 Ionic 持续更新,书中还涵盖了一些关于 Ionic 3 向更高版本迁移的策略和注意事项。 此修订版于2017年8月18日首次发布,提供了详细的错误修正列表,确保内容的准确性和时效性。对于那些希望进入或进一步提升移动应用开发技能的开发者来说,这是一本不可或缺的参考书籍,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发人员都能从中获益匪浅。
2017-04-11 上传
2017-05-05 上传
Build Mobile Apps with Ionic 2 and Firebase: Hybrid Mobile App Development 27 May 2017 | English | ISBN-10: 1484227360 | 276 pages | PDF | 2.9 Mb Learn to build hybrid mobile apps using Ionic and Firebase. You'll build a Hacker News client app, which can view top stories in Hacker News, view comments of a story, add stories to favorites, etc. This introductory guide covers the whole cycle of hybrid mobile apps development. It's organized around implementing different user stories. For each story, this book not only talks about how to implement it but also explains related Ionic and Firebase concepts in detail. Using Apache Cordova, developers can create a new type of mobile app—a hybrid mobile app. Hybrid mobile apps actually run in an internal browser inside a wrapper created by Apache Cordova. With hybrid mobile apps, developers can have one single code base for different platforms. Developers also can use their existing web development skills. The Ionic framework builds on top of Apache Cordova and provides out-of-box components which make developing hybrid mobile apps much easier. Ionic uses Angular as the JavaScript framework and has a nice default UI style with a similar look and feel to native apps. Firebase is a realtime database which can be accessed in web apps using JavaScript. With Build Mobile Apps with Ionic 2 and Firebase you'll discover that just need to develop front-end code, there's no need to manage any back-end code or servers. What You'll Learn Create content-based Ionic mobile apps Use advanced features of the Ionic framework Use Firebase as a mobile app’s back-end storage Build, test, and continuously delivery Ionic mobile apps Publish and analyze Ionic mobile apps Who This Book Is For Front-end developers and mobile app developers