Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2009
Marc Alexa and Michael Kazhdan
(Guest Editors)
Volume 28 (2009), Number 5
Fast, Exact, Linear Booleans
Gilbert Bernstein
and Don Fussell
University of Texas at Austin, United States
We present a new system for robustly performing Boolean operations on linear, 3D polyhedra. Our system is exact,
meaning that all internal numeric predicates are exactly decided in the sense of exact geometric computation. Our
BSP-tree based system is 16-28× faster at performing iterative computations than CGAL’s Nef Polyhedra based
system, the current best practice in robust Boolean operations, while being only twice as slow as the non-robust
modeler Maya. Meanwhile, we achieve a much smaller substrate of geometric subroutines than previous work,
comprised of only 4 predicates, a convex polygon constructor, and a convex polygon splitting routine. The use of
a BSP-tree based Boolean algorithm atop this substrate allows us to explicitly handle all geometric degeneracies
without treating a large number of cases.
Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computing
Methodologies—Computational Geometry and Object Modeling;
1. Introduction
Despite a long history of robustness issues, Boolean set op-
erations (aka. constructive solid geometry or CSG for short)
remain a popular choice in most 3d modeling systems avail-
able. The operation conforms nicely to architectural concep-
tions of positive and negative space in building massing, the
machining of mechanical parts in CAD/CAM, and general
purpose “sculpting” operations of adding and removing vir-
tual stuff from a shape, to mention a few applications. We
built the system described here to address such sculpting ap-
plications, for which we found existing Boolean operations
lacking in speed and robustness, particularly when perform-
ing iterated operations, such as repeated gouging of an ob-
ject with a tool. Sculpting is a particularly challenging appli-
cation, since even moderate success requires fast(real-time)
and completely robust(zero failure) solutions in order to be
usable. We demonstrate that Boolean operations on polyhe-
dra can be made fast and robust enough to be a viable com-
ponent of such applications, contrary to the expectations of
many in the computer graphics community.
One of the first and biggest motivations for research into
robust geometry was the not uncommon experience of see-
ing a system crash in response to attempting to perform
Boolean operations. However, despite 20 years of research
on the problem, state of the art robust Boolean operations
[HK05] may run up to 20 times slower than non-robust op-
erations. In our experiments(§4), these performance char-
acterizations are actually optimistic. We see cases where
the state of the art (CGAL) takes more than 50 times as
long as non-robust Booleans. When we spoke to practition-
ers who implement Boolean operations in entertainment and
architectural design modelers, none were aware of any re-
search into geometric robustness. They believed that there
are no solutions to their robustness problems short of using
Matlab/Mathematica-style big number computation, which
they deem prohibitively expensive. Given that the aforemen-
tioned Hachenberger et al. paper [HK05] constitutes the only
experiment with more than a single test in the last 20 years,
it is easy to see how this impression persists.
Contribution We demonstrate a system capable of comput-
ing completely robust (i.e. exact §2.1) linear Boolean opera-
tions only twice as slowly as the non-robust (i.e. fragile §2.1)
modeler Maya, providing the first empirical evidence that
geometric robustness techniques are actually practical for
computing Boolean operations. This constitutes the second
and largest comparative test between non-robust commer-
cial Booleans and robust Boolean systems ever conducted
and published as far as we are aware. We accomplish this
using a novel synthesis(§3) of techniques mostly 15 − 20
years old(§2). In addition to a number of small but important
changes to these techniques, we present a new plane-based
convex polygon splitting algorithm(§3.2).
2009 The Author(s)
Journal compilation
2009 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.