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With the increasing demand for mobility in modern manufacturing, the use of mobile robots has become more widespread. In particular, there is a growing need for omni-directional mobile robots that have the ability to move in all directions. This type of robot with three degrees of freedom in planar motion - front, back, right, left, and rotation - theoretically allows for movement in any direction on the plane where it operates, making it more maneuverable compared to non-omni-directional mobile robots.
The main focus of this paper is the design of the structure of an omni-directional mobile robot chassis capable of carrying a weight of 200 kg and achieving omni-directional motion. The paper introduces the design of the transmission mechanism of the omni-directional mobile robot and uses software such as UG and SolidWorks to create a three-dimensional model of the parts and simulate their motion to theoretically prove the feasibility of the design.
In summary, the design of the omni-directional mobile robot chassis presented in this paper demonstrates the potential for improved mobility and maneuverability in modern manufacturing applications. By implementing a transmission mechanism that allows for omni-directional movement, the robot is able to navigate in all directions on the plane and carry heavy loads, making it a valuable asset in various industrial settings. Through the use of advanced software for design and simulation, the theoretical feasibility of the design is established, paving the way for further development and implementation of omni-directional mobile robots in industrial automation.
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