U. Fayyad, I? Stolorz/Future Generation Computer Systems 13 (1997) 99-115
Fig. 3. An overview of the steps comprising the KDD process.
also gained popularity in the database field. The earli-
est uses of the term come from statistics and the usage
in most cases was associated with negative connota-
tions of blind exploration of data without a priori hy-
potheses to verify. However, notable exceptions can
be found. For example, as early as 1978, Learner [ 161
used the term in a positive sense in a demonstration of
how generalized linear regression can be used to solve
problems that were very difficult for humans and for
traditional statistical techniques of that time to solve.
The term KDD was coined at the first KDD workshop
in 1989 [ 191 to emphasize that “knowledge” is the end
product of a data-driven discovery.
In our view KDD refers to the overall process of
discovering useful knowledge from data while data
mining refers to a particular step in this process. Data
mining is the application of specific algorithms for ex-
tracting patterns from data. The additional steps in the
KDD process, such as data preparation, data selection,
data cleaning, incorporating appropriate prior knowl-
edge, and proper interpretation of the results of min-
ing, are essential to ensure that useful knowledge is
derived from the data. Blind application of data min-
ing methods (rightly criticized as “data dredging” in
the statistical literature) can be a dangerous activity
easily leading to discovery of meaningless patterns.
We give an overview of the KDD process in Fig. 3.
Note that in the KDD process, one typically iterates
many times over previous steps and the process is
fairly messy with plenty of experimentation. For ex-
ample, one may select, sample, clean, and reduce data
only to discover after mining that one or several of the
previous steps need to be redone. We have omitted ar-
rows illustrating these potential iterations to keep the
figure simple.
3.1. Basic definitions
We adopt the definitions of KDD and data mining
provided in [7, Chap. 11.
Knowledge discovery in databases is the nontriv-
ial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially
useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in
Here data is a set of facts (e.g., cases in a database)
and pattern is an expression in some language repre-
senting a parsimonious description of a subset of the
data or a model applicable to that subset. Hence, in
our usage here, extracting a pattern also designates
fitting a model to data, finding structure from data, or
in general any high-level description of a set of data.
The term process implies that KDD is comprised of
many steps, which involve data preparation, search for
patterns, knowledge evaluation, and refinement, all re-
peated in multiple iterations. By nontrivial we mean
that some search or inference is involved, i.e., it is not
a straightforward computation of predefined quantities
like computing the average value of a set of numbers.
The discovered patterns should be valid on new data
with some degree of certainty. We also want patterns
to be novel (at least to the system, and preferably to
the user) and potentially useful, i.e., lead to some ben-
efit to the user/task. Finally, the patterns should be
understandable, if not immediately then after some
While it is possible to define quantitative measures
for certainty (e.g., estimated prediction accuracy on
new data) or utility (e.g., gain perhaps in dollars saved
due to better predictions or speed-up in response time
of a system), notions such as novelty and understand-
ability are much more subjective. In certain contexts
understandability can be estimated by simplicity (e.g.,
the number of bits to describe a pattern). An important
notion, called interestingness (e.g., see [20] and refer-
ences within), is usually taken as an overall measure
of pattern value, combining validity, novelty, useful-
ness, and simplicity. Interestingness functions can be
explicitly defined or can be manifested implicitly via