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"Configure命令详细解释" 在软件开发过程中,尤其是在Linux环境中,`configure`脚本扮演着重要的角色。它是自动构建系统的一部分,用于检测主机系统上的特性,并根据这些特性生成适应性的`Makefile`。`configure`脚本通常与Autoconf工具一起使用,它允许开发者创建跨平台的软件,无需手动修改编译设置。 `--cache-file=FILE` 选项允许你指定一个缓存文件,保存`configure`的测试结果,以便后续配置过程能更快地进行。这在处理大型或复杂的源代码树时尤其有用,因为它避免了重复的系统特性检查。 `--help` 选项是所有用户都应熟悉的,它显示`configure`脚本支持的所有可用选项。这对于了解特定软件包的额外配置选项非常有帮助,尤其是对于包含大量自定义功能的项目,如GCC编译器。 `--no-create` 选项不生成输出文件,只进行预检查,不实际执行配置步骤。这可以用于验证配置前的准备工作,而不真正影响系统状态。 `--quiet` 和 `--silent` 选项用于减少`configure`运行时的输出信息。默认情况下,`configure`会显示其进行的测试,但这两个选项可以关闭这些输出,使得整个过程更安静。然而,这也意味着用户可能无法获取关于配置过程的详细反馈。 `--version` 用于显示生成`configure`脚本的Autoconf版本,这对于确定软件构建环境的兼容性和一致性至关重要。 `--prefix=PREFIX` 是最常用的选项之一,它指定了软件安装的目标目录。这个前缀会被用于构建软件的可执行文件、库、头文件等的路径。例如,如果设置了`--prefix=/usr/local`,那么软件将被安装到 `/usr/local/bin`,`/usr/local/lib` 和 `/usr/local/include` 目录下,而不是系统的默认位置。这允许用户在不影响系统全局的情况下安装和管理软件。 除了上述选项,`configure`还可能包含其他特定于软件的选项,例如配置特定库的路径,启用或禁用某些功能等。在实际使用中,根据项目需求选择合适的`configure`选项是确保软件正确构建和安装的关键步骤。熟悉并理解这些选项可以帮助开发者更有效地管理和构建软件项目。
2020-02-08 上传
实验报告包含详细的实验截图和命令 Task 1: Configure Local AAA Authentication for Console Access on R1 Step 1. Test connectivity. · Ping from PC-A to PC-B. · Ping from PC-A to PC-C. · Ping from PC-B to PC-C. Step 2. Configure a local username on R1. Configure a username of Admin1 and secret password of admin1pa55. Step 3. Configure local AAA authentication for console access on R1. nable AAA on R1 and configure AAA authentication for console login to use the local database. Step 4. Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. Enable AAA on R1 and configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default method list. Step 5. Verify the AAA authentication method. Verify the user EXEC login using the local database. Task 2: Configure Local AAA Authentication for VTY Lines on R1 Step 1. Configure a named list AAA authentication method for VTY lines on R1. Configure a named list called TELNET-LOGIN to authenticate logins using local AAA. Step 2. Configure the VTY lines to use the defined AAA authentication method. Configure the VTY lines to use the named AAA method. Step 3. Verify the AAA authentication method. Verify the Telnet configuration. From the command prompt of PC-A, Telnet to R1. Task 3: Configure Server-Based AAA Authentication Using TACACS+ on R2 Step 1. Configure a backup local database entry called Admin. For backup purposes, configure a local username of Admin and secret password of adminpa55. Step 2. Verify the TACACS+ Server configuration. Select the TACACS+ Server. From the Config tab, click on AAA and notice that there is a Network configuration entry for R2 and a User Setup entry for Admin2. Step 3. Configure the TACACS+ server specifics on R2. Configure the AAA TACACS server IP address and secret key on R2. Step 4. Configure AAA login authentication for console access on R2. Enable AAA on R2 and configure all logins to authenticate using the AAA TACACS+ server and if not available, then use the local database. Step 5. Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. Configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default AAA authentication method. Step 6. Verify the AAA authentication method. Verify the user EXEC login using the AAA TACACS+ server. Task 4: Configure Server-Based AAA Authentication Using RADIUS on R3 Step 1. Configure a backup local database entry called Admin. For backup purposes, configure a local username of Admin and secret password of adminpa55. Step 2. Verify the RADIUS Server configuration. Select the RADIUS Server. From the Config tab, click on AAA and notice that there is a Network configuration entry for R3 and a User Setup entry for Admin3. Step 3. Configure the RADIUS server specifics on R3. Configure the AAA RADIUS server IP address and secret key on R3. Step 4. Configure AAA login authentication for console access on R3. Enable AAA on R3 and configure all logins to authenticate using the AAA RADIUS server and if not available, then use the local database. Step 5. Configure the line console to use the defined AAA authentication method. Configure AAA authentication for console login to use the default AAA authentication method. Step 6. Verify the AAA authentication method. Verify the user EXEC login using the AAA TACACS+ server. Step 7. Check results.