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Container terminal yard is an essential part of the global logistics system, serving as a hub for the transfer and storage of shipping containers. The efficiency of container handling in terminal yards directly impacts the overall performance of the logistics network. In order to optimize the operations in container terminal yards, intelligent algorithms are being researched and developed. This thesis focuses on studying intelligent algorithms for container terminal yards, with a specific emphasis on the relocation plus a base as the connection weights between nodes method. The research is conducted by Jiang Jing under the guidance of Prof. Yi Zhengjun, in the field of Applied Mathematics at the College of Mathematics and Statistics of Chongqing University. The study explores the application of intelligent algorithms to improve the efficiency of container terminal yards. By utilizing the relocation plus a base as the connection weights between nodes method, the research aims to optimize the layout and management of containers in terminal yards, leading to reduced costs and increased productivity. The thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of the current challenges and opportunities in container terminal yard operations, and proposes a novel approach to address these issues through the use of intelligent algorithms. The research methodology involves theoretical analysis, computational simulations, and practical case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Overall, the thesis contributes to the field of container terminal yard management by introducing a new intelligent algorithm that can enhance the efficiency and performance of terminal operations. The findings of this research have the potential to make a significant impact on the global logistics industry, improving supply chain logistics and benefiting businesses and consumers worldwide.