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"EIA-CEA-861-B 视频定时标准是针对未压缩高速数字接口的数字电视(DTV)配置文件,常用于HDMI和EDID系统中的数字视频传输。" EIA(美国电子工业协会)与CEA(消费电子协会)联合发布的EIA/CEA-861-B标准,是针对高清数字电视(HDTV)在未压缩高速数字接口上的应用制定的一套详细规范。这个标准是EIA/CEA-861-A的修订版,发布于2002年,旨在消除制造商和消费者之间的误解,促进设备的互换性,提高产品性能,并帮助用户快速选择合适的产品。 EIA/CEA-861-B标准主要关注视频定时,这是指视频信号的帧率、分辨率、扫描方式等关键参数。这些参数对于确保数字视频设备(如电视、显示器、播放器等)之间的兼容性和高质量视频传输至关重要。标准涵盖了各种显示模式,包括标清、高清以及超高清视频格式,确保不同设备间的视频内容可以无缝传输。 HDMI(高清晰度多媒体接口)是广泛应用的数字接口,它依赖于EIA/CEA-861-B标准来提供视频定时信息。EDID(扩展显示识别数据)是HDMI的一部分,存储在显示器内部,包含了显示器的能力和首选设置,其中就包含了EIA/CEA-861-B定义的视频定时规格。当HDMI源设备(如蓝光播放器或游戏机)连接到显示器时,它会读取EDID,以确定最佳的视频输出设置。 此外,EIA/CEA-861-B还涉及到色彩空间、色深、刷新率、同步信号类型等技术细节。这些信息对于确保数字视频信号的准确传输和正确显示至关重要。标准的制定有助于减少市场上的不兼容问题,推动数字视频技术的发展。 EIA/CEA-861-B是数字视频产业中的一个重要参考标准,对HDMI和EDID系统的功能和性能设定了明确的指导,促进了不同设备间的互操作性,确保了高清内容的无损传输。无论是制造商还是消费者,都应了解并遵循这一标准,以实现最佳的视频体验。
2011-01-31 上传
This standard was developed under the auspices of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) R4.8 DTV Interface Subcommittee. CEA-861-D supersedes CEA-861-C. CEA-861-D establishes protocols, requirements, and recommendations for the utilization of uncompressed digital interfaces by consumer electronics devices such as digital televisions (DTVs), digital cable, satellite or terrestrial set-top boxes (STBs), and related peripheral devices including, but not limited to DVD players/recorders, and other related source or sink devices. CEA-861-D is applicable to a variety of standard DTV-related high-speed digital physical interfaces - such as Digital Visual Interface (DVI) 1.0 [3], Open LVDS Display Interface (LDI) [7], and High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) [29] specifications. Protocols, requirements, and recommendations that are defined include video formats and waveforms; colorimetry and quantization; transport of compressed and uncompressed, as well as Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM), audio; carriage of auxiliary data; and implementations of the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) Enhanced Extended Display Identification Data Standard (E-EDID) [9], which is used by sink devices to declare display capabilities and characteristics. CEA-861-D adopters are strongly encouraged to implement High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) [2] content protection defined by the Digital Content Protection (DCP), LLC) method, in order to be compatible with digital cable STBs as authorized by 47 C.F.R. § 76.602 [27] and 47 C.F.R. §76.640 [28]. HDCP [29] permits viewing of high-value content that may be available from other video sources in a home network.