Ultra-broadband access enabled by fiber optics
(Invited Paper)
Frank Effenberger
Futurewei Technologies, Bridgewater, NJ 08807, USA (frank.effenberger@huawei.com)
Received November 6, 2016; accepted November 23, 2016; posted online December 9, 2016
The advent of low loss optical fiber has consistently led us to the ultra-broadband era, where bandwidths exceed-
ing 1 Gb/s are commonplace. This Review reviews the early history of fiber access, pointing out some of the
lasting design choices and signature features of fiber access. The progress of the various passive optical network
technologies is also reviewed, and some views regarding the future trends of fiber in the access.
OCIS codes: 060.2330, 060.4263.
doi: 10.3788/COL201614.120005.
Broadband access services are increasingly important for
everyday life. Nearly every existing activity has been im-
proved by networking to some extent, and new goods and
services that are enabled by broadband networking
emerge every day. Therefore, it is key that technology pro-
vide an efficient, cost effective, and universally available
access to the worldwide network.
While there are many media that can play a role, single
mode optical fiber stands alone as the ultimate solution to
the broadband access problem. Fiber combines high band-
width (≫1Tb∕s) with low loss (≪1dB∕km), and given
the present optoelectronic technology fiber to the home
(FTTH) can easily provide access to >10 Gb∕s over a dis-
tance of >20 km. Such capa bilities certainly meet the long
term needs of the human users of the network. While
machine to machine communication could grow to higher
levels, it is also true that machines do not need to be
located at people’s homes. Therefore, it is safe to assume
that single mode fiber will be the end-state of the fixed
access network.
This Review will review the early history of FTTH net-
works to highlight some of the key choices that were made;
choices that we continue to live with today. It will also
briefly review the evolution of mainstream passive optical
network (PON) technologies. Lastly, it will mention some
new techniques that are the focus of future research.
As soon as low loss fiber was developed, the telephone
network operators began to consider how to deploy this in
their access networks. Of course, fiber was a natural fit for
long-haul, metro, and even access feeder networks; and it
quickly took a leading role there. However, in access it
faced the combined challenges of relatively high costs
and low revenues. The average tariff rates from residential
access are quite low, and they tend to be fixed (not depen-
dent on traffic volume). Meanwhile, the cost of opto-
electronics, the fiber itself, and their installation were
all high compared to the legacy media. So, various
architectures were considered, as shown in Fig.
The first was the simple replacement of the home run
copper wires with fibers. This passive single star topology
is simple and future-proof (since every customer has their
own fiber), but it is very expensive. The amount of fiber is
very high, and each home requires two transceivers (one
on either end). For that reason, home run fiber has never
been widely deployed.
The second architecture considered using an access
multiplexer or remote terminal (RT) out in the field.
This active double star topology is similar to the digital
loop carrier systems that were in use for telephone service.
This system helps by reducing the amount of fiber being
used, since it multiplexes the signals on fewer fibers.
Unfortunately, it does nothing to help the amount of opto-
electronic transceivers, and ever worse it requires power
supplies in the remote location. Thus, this architecture
has seen relatively small use in practical networks.
The third architecture uses passive optical splitters to
perform the multiplexing at the remote node. This passive
double star topology achieve s the reduction of fiber of
the active double star, and what’s more it reduces the
optoelectronics to approximately one per user
. Since the
splitter is simply a directional coupler, it does not r equire
electrical power. For these many benefits, the PON archi-
tecture has been the favored approach in over 90% of all
FTTH networks today, and PON has become synonym ous
with optical access all over the world.
Fig. 1. Three optical access architectures.
COL 14(12), 120005(2016) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS December 10, 2016
1671-7694/2016/120005(4) 120005-1 © 2016 Chinese Optics Letters