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"SQL与关系理论].SQL.&.Relational.Theory.(C.J.Date)" 是一本由C.J.Date编写的书籍,主要探讨了SQL语言与关系理论的深度结合,旨在帮助读者编写准确有效的SQL代码。 在《SQL与关系理论》中,作者C.J.Date是一位在数据库领域享有盛誉的专家,他深入解析了SQL(结构化查询语言)如何与关系模型相融合。关系理论是数据库设计的基础,它包括关系数据模型、第一范式(1NF)、第二范式(2NF)、第三范式(3NF)以及更高层次的规范化理论。通过这本书,读者可以理解SQL的内在机制,学习如何利用这些理论来优化查询性能,避免数据冗余和更新异常。 书中可能涵盖了以下几个关键知识点: 1. **SQL基础**:介绍SQL的基本语法,如SELECT语句、JOIN操作、子查询和聚合函数,以及如何创建、修改和删除数据库对象(如表、视图、索引等)。 2. **关系模型**:解释关系模型的基本概念,如关系、属性、键和域,以及如何使用关系模型进行数据建模。 3. **查询优化**:讨论如何编写高效的SQL查询,包括索引的使用、查询计划的选择和SQL性能调优技巧。 4. **规范化理论**:阐述不同级别的规范化,以及它们如何减少数据冗余和提高数据一致性。 5. **SQL标准与实现**:对比SQL标准与实际数据库系统的差异,分析各主流数据库系统(如SQL Server)对SQL的实现和扩展。 6. **事务处理和并发控制**:讨论数据库的事务管理,包括ACID属性(原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性),以及并发操作可能导致的问题和解决策略。 7. **SQL的局限性**:分析SQL在处理某些复杂查询时的不足,以及可能的解决方案,如使用存储过程、用户定义函数或嵌入式SQL。 8. **其他相关资源**:书中的链接可能指向O'Reilly出版社提供的其他相关书籍,如《The Art of SQL》、《Database In Depth》、《Essential SQLAlchemy》和《SQL in a Nutshell》,这些资源可进一步扩展读者在数据库领域的知识。 此外,O'Reilly出版社还提供了在线平台如Safari Bookshelf,订阅者可以在其中搜索超过1000本书的内容,快速找到问题的答案,以及在线阅读完整书籍,对于程序员和IT专业人士来说,这是一个宝贵的参考资料库。 O'Reilly Conferences则为开发者提供了一个了解新兴技术和工具的平台,通过会议和活动促进创新思想的交流,帮助技术从业者提升技能并应对行业变革。访问conferences.oreilly.com可以查看即将举办的活动信息。 《SQL与关系理论》是一本深入浅出的教材,对于希望深入了解SQL和关系数据库设计的专业人士来说,是不可或缺的学习资料。
2015-11-13 上传
SQL is full of difficulties and traps for the unwary. You can avoid them if you understand relational theory, but only if you know how to put that theory into practice. In this book, Chris Date explains relational theory in depth, and demonstrates through numerous examples and exercises how you can apply it to your use of SQL. This third edition has been revised, extended, and improved throughout. Topics whose treatment has been expanded include data types and domains, table comparisons, image relations, aggregate operators and summarization, view updating, and subqueries. A special feature of this edition is a new appendix on NoSQL and relational theory. Could you write an SQL query to find employees who have worked at least once in every programming department in the company? And be sure it’s correct? Why is proper column naming so important? Nulls in the database cause wrong answers. Why? What you can do about it? How can image relations help you formulate complex SQL queries? SQL supports "quantified comparisons," but they’re better avoided. Why? And how?Database theory and practice have evolved considerably since Codd first defined the relational model, back in 1969. This book draws on decades of experience to present the most up to date treatment of the material available anywhere. Anyone with a modest to advanced background in SQL can benefit from the insights it contains. The book is product independent. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Setting the Scene Chapter 2. Types and Domains Chapter 3. Tuples and Relations, Rows and Tables Chapter 4. No Duplicates, No Nulls Chapter 5. Base Relvars, Base Tables Chapter 6. SQL and Relational Alegebra I: The Original Operators Chapter 7. SQL and Relational Algebra II: Additional Operators Chapter 8. SQL and Constraints Chapter 9. SQL and Views Chapter 10. SQL and Logic Chapter 11. Using Logic to Formulate SQL Expressions Chapter 12. Miscellaneous SQL Topics Appendix A. The Relational Model Appendix B. SQL Departures from the Relational Model Appendix C. A Relational Approach to Missing Information Appendix D. A Tutorial D Grammar Appendix E. Summary of Recommendations Appendix F. NoSQL and Relational Theory Appendix G. Suggestions for Further Reading