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;the continuous improvement of information technology have upgraded the traditional data management to a software-based approach, which stores, synthesizes, and centrally processes data information. In this context, the agricultural pre-sale platform has emerged, aiming to assist managers in efficiently handling large volumes of data information in a short period of time. This software tool can help improve transaction processing efficiency, achieving significant results with minimal effort. Developed within the mature and sophisticated SSM framework, the platform utilizes the cross-platform Java language, known for its capability to develop large-scale commercial websites, and the popular RDBMS application software, Mysql, for database management. The platform facilitates the management of basic crop data, land management, postal order management, crop status management, and the publication of announcement information. The user interface is designed to be simple and aesthetically pleasing, with a layout consistent with similar websites in the same category. While the program meets the basic functional requirements, it also provides practical solutions to the security issues faced by data information. Overall, this program not only helps managers efficiently process work tasks but also achieves data information consolidation, standardization, and automation. Keywords: agricultural pre-sale platform; SSM framework; Mysql; automation.
2010-01-14 上传
本科毕业论文农产品交易平台的设计与实现 目 录 目 录 I 摘 要 II 关键词 II Abstract II Key words II 前言 1 1系统开发工具 2 1.1 IIS简介 3 1.2 ASP.NET简介 3 1.3 SQL server 2005简介 4 1.4 Visual Studio.NET 2005简介 5 1.5 C#语言简介 5 2系统数据库设计 5 2.1 buyer表 6 2.2 saler表 6 2.3 ncp表 7 2.4 account表 7 2.5 trade表 8 2.6 E-R模型设计 8 3系统总体设计 9 3.1系统需求分析 9 3.2系统功能设计 10 3.2.1 买家操作功能 10 3.2.2 卖家操作功能 11 3.3系统模块设计 11 3.3.1买家操作模块设计 11 3.3.2卖家操作模块设计 11 4系统程序实现 12 4.1系统文件设计 12 4.1.1 主页文件设计 12 4.1.2“我要买”文件设计 12 4.1.3“我要卖”文件设计 12 4.2系统功能实现 13 4.2.1 系统主页界面设计 13 4.2.2 “我要买”功能实现 14 4.2.3 “我要卖”功能实现 15 结论 15 参考文献 15 致 谢 16 附录 17 摘 要 本农产品交易平台,是对农副产品、农用生产资料市场的价格信息进行汇总分析,涉及农产品农用生产资料价格信息,包括粮食、经济作物、畜产品、果品、蔬菜、水产品、化学肥料、农药等九大类产品的批发及零售价格。对价格的查询,可以按产品品种、批发市场、时间顺序等不同方式来查询。对价格的统计分析可按按旬、月、季、年等不同周期进行跟踪监测、分析。通过本系统,可向互联网用户提供农副产品、农用生产资料价格的按多种条件进行查询和分析的服务,并且进行交易。