"C程序:输出信息- This is a c program"
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收藏 58KB DOC 举报
This is a C program that outputs the message "This is a c program" on the screen. The program is written in the C programming language and is executed by compiling it with a C compiler. The code for the program is stored in a file titled "c语言程序代码.doc".
The program starts by including the necessary headers that are needed for the program to run correctly. It then defines the main function, which is the entry point for all C programs. Within the main function, a printf statement is used to display the message "This is a c program" on the screen. This message is enclosed within double quotes and ends with a semicolon to terminate the statement.
After the message is displayed, the program reaches the end of the main function and returns a value of 0, indicating that the program executed successfully. The program then exits and control is returned to the operating system.
Overall, this C program is a simple yet effective example of how to output a message to the screen using the printf function in C. It serves as a basic introduction to programming in C and demonstrates the fundamental syntax and structure of a C program. By compiling and running this program, users can familiarize themselves with the basics of C programming and begin to explore the wide range of possibilities that C offers for software development.
175 浏览量
195 浏览量
568 浏览量
2024-05-13 上传
175 浏览量
2022-10-20 上传
2009-09-15 上传
2023-07-05 上传
2013-02-13 上传

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