Modulated orientation-sensitive terahertz spectroscopy
Rohit Singh,
Deepu Koshy George,
Chejin Bae,
K. A. Niessen,
and A. G. Markelz
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Depauw University, Greencastle, Indiana 46135, USA
Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, Virginia 24061, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA
Department of Physics, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA
*Corresponding author:
Received February 3, 2016; revised March 29, 2016; accepted March 31, 2016;
posted April 1, 2016 (Doc. ID 258858); published May 12, 2016
Intramolecular vibrations of large macromolecules reside in the terahertz range. In particular, protein vibrations
are closely spaced in frequency, resulting in a nearly continuous vibrational density of states. This density of
vibrations interferes with the identification of specific absorption lines and their subsequent association with spe-
cific functional motions. This challenge is compounded with the absorption being dominated by the solvent and
local relaxational motions. A strategy for removing the isotropic relaxational loss and isolating specific vibrations
is to use aligned samples and polarization-sensitive measurements. Here, we demonstrate a technique to rapidly
attain the anisotropic resonant absorbance using terahertz time domain spectroscopy and a spinning sample. The
technique, modulated orientation-sensitive terahertz spectroscopy (MOSTS), has a nonzero signal only for aniso-
tropic samples, as demonstrated by a comparison between a silicon wafer and a wire grid polarizer. For sucrose
and oxalic acid molecular crystals, the MOSTS response is in agreement with modeled results for the intermo-
lecular vibrations. Further, we demonstrate that, even in the presence of a large relaxational background, MOSTS
isolates underlying vibrational resonances. © 2016 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (120.0120) Instrumentation, measurement, and metrology; (120.2130) Ellipsometry and polar-
imetry; (170.6280) Spectroscopy, fluorescence and luminescence; (300.6380) Spectroscopy, modulation;
(300.6390) Spectroscopy, molecular; (300.6495) Spectroscopy, terahertz.
The long-range intramolecular vibrations of proteins and
other large macromolecules reside in the terahertz (THz) fre-
quency range. Calculations have shown these motions may
provide the molecule with efficient access to functional struc-
tural change for biomolecules as well as possibly enable allo-
steric control through the dynamics [1–6]. To date there has
not been experimental proof of the relevance of these motions
to biology, due to the challenge of measuring these motions
and characterizing how they change with functional state and
mutation. X-ray and coherent neutron inelastic scattering
measurements are used to measure the vibrational density
of states (VDOS), but these measurements are challenging, re-
quiring ∼100 mg of protein and specialized facilities [7–10]. In
addition, the VDOS measurements cannot yet provide insight
into the role of these motions in function because specific mo-
tions associated with structural change cannot be isolated.
Optical techniques could potentially simplify the spectrum
by isolating those vibrations with optical coupling. However,
standard optical absorption spectra of proteins do not show
the hoped for resonant absorption structure and, instead, find
only a broad absorbance centered at 100–150 cm
similar to the dielectric response of amorphous or glass-like
materials. This broad absorption could be first understood as
reflecting a majority of the intramolecular vibrations, which
are optically active; thus, the optical absorbance reflects
the broad VDOS. In addition to this, the amino acid side chains
and the solvent will also contribute a strong background from
relaxational dielectric loss [14,15].
It is tempting to simply remove all the water from a protein
sample to at least eliminate this background; however, the
molecular structure of proteins is highly dependent on the hy-
dration, and the removal of water results in distinctly different
material structure and dynamics. As the hydration decreases,
the protein’s backbone structure is no longer well defined
[16,17]. To study a uniform molecular sample with biologically
relevant dynamics, the protein sample must be hydrated to at
least 0.3 g water/g protein [16,17]. However, at this hydration
level, the absorption from the water alone is very large [18–21].
In addition, the amino acid side chain librational motions can
also contribute to a dielectric relaxation loss [22]. Thus, the
broad VDOS along with relaxational contributions from local
motions severely impede the isolating of specific intramolecu-
lar vibrations in the THz optical absorption of proteins.
Anisotropic absorption measurements of aligned samples
can overcome both of these challenges. The coupling of light
to a vibrational excitation is dependent on the relative direction
of the light polarization to the vibration’s transition dipole.
Figure 1(a) shows a displacement vector diagram of an intra-
molecular vibration calculated for cytochrome c using quasi-
harmonic mode analysis. The overall dipole transition direc-
tion is indicated on the figure by the red arrow. The solvent
molecules are randomly oriented over the surface of the
protein. The net absorption for any polarization direction is
given by
v − v
· λθ
; (1)
Singh et al. Vol. 4, No. 3 / June 2016 / Photon. Res. A1
2327-9125/16/0300A1-08 © 2016 Chinese Laser Press