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This paper presents the design and debugging of an intelligent control system for a fully automatic shearing machine, based on the needs of practical engineering automation technology transformation. The instruction manual first discusses the implementation plan of the intelligent control system for the fully automatic shearing machine. Considering the actual requirements, a control scheme based on the single chip microcontroller (MCU) is chosen over the conventional Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) control.
The MCU's application in the automatic control system is then analyzed, and the design ideas and specific implementation methods for key aspects of the hardware circuit, such as the expansion of input and output interfaces, keyboard and display circuit, stepper motor drive control, relay and CPU monitor X25045 circuit, are provided. The main aspects of software design, including programming and simulation environment, control software flow, implementation methods of major functional modules, and software debugging, are also discussed.
Considering the reliability and safety of the automatic control system in practical working environments, anti-interference measures such as the use of monitor chips and design of work status detection programs are adopted in hardware design and software programming. In the design of the automatic control system, future technological improvements and promotion requirements are taken into consideration, leaving room for system expansion.
Keywords: automatic shearing machine, automatic control, single-chip microcontroller system, hardware design, software programming
2023-06-30 上传
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2023-07-10 上传
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