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My graduation thesis "Expert Outpatient Appointment System of asp.net594 Website" aims to develop a system that allows for online appointments and communication with experts in the medical field. The thesis includes an abstract, background and significance, structure arrangement of the thesis, introduction to development technology, requirement analysis, feasibility analysis, function analysis, business process analysis, database design, ER diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, detailed design, system screenshots, testing, conclusion, acknowledgment, and reference. In today's highly developed information network era, the expert outpatient appointment system plays a crucial role in the development of this system. It facilitates communication and information sharing through the use of B/S development model, providing users with a platform for online business communication and interaction. This system is built based on these principles, using HTML and .NET languages, SQL Server as the database, IIS as the server, and JavaScript as the scripting language, with the use of Flash and CSS for page beautification. The thesis begins with an introduction to the current status and significance of the expert outpatient appointment system, followed by a feasibility and requirement analysis of the website. It outlines the necessary functionalities of the system and provides a detailed analysis of each module's design. Through testing analysis, the system's stability and reliability are confirmed. The thesis concludes with a summary and outlook for the system's future development. Keywords: expert outpatient appointment system, IIS, .NET, SQL Server.