Evaluates: MAX197/MAX199
MAX197 Evaluation Kit
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__Detailed Description of Software
Reading the MAX197
The EV kit reads the MAX197 using the algorithm
shown in source code Listings 1a and 1b.
When power is first applied, the MAX197 is in external
clock mode. However, the initialization software recon-
figures the MAX197 to internal clock mode.
The EV kit software demonstrates the MAX197’s many
modes of operation. When writing your own application-
specific software, one of the following simplified algo-
rithms (shown in bold type) should be implemented.
These algorithms show the options available using the
power-down and acquisition mode control bits. Except
where otherwise specified, ACQMOD = 0.
When using an external reference, a power-up delay is
not necessary. When using the MAX197’s internal ref-
erence, allow time for the REF capacitor to charge at
power-up and when exiting full power-down mode. For
a complete description of all control bits, refer to the
MAX197 data sheet.
Internal acquisition mode, standby power-down
between conversions:
1) Begin conversion by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0. This
powers up the MAX197, causing it to perform a
conversion, then go into standby mode after con-
version completes.
2) After the INT pin goes low, read the result from the
Internal acquisition mode, full power-down between
1) Power up the MAX197 by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0
2) Execute a power-up delay, to allow the reference
capacitor time to recharge.
3) Begin conversion by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 1 (full
4) After the INT pin goes low, read the result from the
Internal acquisition mode, SHDN pin low between
1) Power up the MAX197 by setting the SHDN pin
2) Execute a power-up delay to allow the reference
capacitor time to recharge.
3) Begin conversion by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0
4) After the INT
pin goes low, read the 16-bit result
from the MAX197.
5) Power down the MAX197 by setting the SHDN pin
External acquisition mode, standby power-down
between conversions:
1) Begin acquisition time by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0
(standby), ACQMOD = 1.
2) Execute the acquisition time delay.
3) Begin conversion by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0
(standby), ACQMOD = 0.
4) After the INT pin goes low, read the result from the
External acquisition mode, full power-down
between conversions:
1) Power up the MAX197 by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0
2) Execute a power-up delay, to allow the reference
capacitor time to recharge.
3) Begin acquisition time by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0
(standby), ACQMOD = 1.
4) Execute the acquisition time delay.
5) Begin conversion by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 1 (full
power-down), ACQMOD = 0.
6) After the INT pin goes low, read the result from the
External acquisition mode, SHDN pin low between
1) Power up the MAX197 by setting the SHDN pin
2) Execute a power-up delay, to allow the reference
capacitor time to recharge.
3) Begin acquisition time by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0
(standby), ACQMOD = 1.
4) Execute the acquisition time delay.
5) Begin conversion by writing PD1 = 1, PD0 = 0
(standby), ACQMOD = 0.
6) After the INT pin goes low, read the result from the
7) Power down the MAX197 by setting the SHDN pin