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ddress, which can solve the management problems brought by traditional methods, such as long processing time, high costs, difficult data maintenance, and easy data loss. This paper presents a supermarket points management system developed using the MySQL database tool and the SSM programming framework. The system is designed to meet the needs of the target user group, including functions such as member information management, product exchange management, points record management, product management, and announcement management. In short, the supermarket points management system, based on computer data processing, allows for batch processing of data in a short period of time. Even basic operations such as data entry, correction of errors, and data analysis can be easily completed, reducing a lot of tedious workload for data management personnel, increasing efficiency, and saving time and money in data processing investments. Additionally, the supermarket points management system has a dedicated database for backend data storage, with a capacity that traditional methods cannot match. In terms of data security, there are encryption technologies in place to protect against data leakage and theft. Therefore, unauthorized access to the data is not easy. Keywords: supermarket points management system; member; product exchange; points record 通过本次研究,我们可以得出如下结论: 首先,超市积分管理系统可以有效地提高管理效率,节省成本和时间。传统的管理方式存在许多缺点,而采用计算机数据处理可以极大地简化数据管理,使管理人员可以更轻松地完成数据录入,修改和统计等操作。 其次,超市积分管理系统具有良好的数据安全性。系统配套的数据库可以确保数据的安全存储,而加密技术可以有效地保护数据不被非法获取。这为超市的经营提供了更高的安全性保障。 最后,超市积分管理系统为会员和用户提供了更好的服务体验。通过系统的功能,会员可以方便地管理自己的积分和商品兑换信息,而超市也可以更好地了解用户的购物行为,从而提供更精准的营销活动和服务。 综上所述,超市积分管理系统在提高管理效率,保障数据安全和提升服务体验等方面具有重要意义,对超市经营具有积极的推动作用。相信随着信息技术的不断发展,超市积分管理系统将在未来得到更广泛的应用和推广。
2023-04-06 上传