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This dissertation presents a systematic research on electromagnetic (EM) scattering from rough surfaces and composite electromagnetic scattering from rough surfaces and targets, which mainly includes: researching the one-dimensional rough surface EM scattering using the high-order integral small perturbation method; the modified two-scale method (TSM) combined with the VRT (vector radiative transfer) method. The study focuses on developing fast and accurate computational models for complex electromagnetic scattering problems in cloud computing. The research aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of electromagnetic scattering simulations in various applications, such as remote sensing, radar systems, and communication systems. The proposed models and algorithms provide a valuable contribution to the field of electromagnetic scattering analysis in cloud computing environments.
148 浏览量
2022-04-16 上传
451 浏览量
2024-11-06 上传
2024-11-06 上传
2024-10-26 上传
2024-10-26 上传
2024-10-26 上传
- 粉丝: 17
- 资源: 1万+
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