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important role in improving traffic order and reducing traffic accidents. Traffic lights are installed at more and more intersections in cities to improve traffic order. In modern cities, red and green lights are increasingly used to command and manage traffic in daily operation control. A complete traffic light control system usually needs to achieve automatic control and manual control to switch its red and green lights.
The traffic light control system designed based on FPGA has the advantages of simple circuit and good reliability. This design utilizes Verilog HDL language and adopts hierarchical mixed input method to control four signal lights of red, yellow, green, and left turn at 4 intersections, making them change according to specific rules. The system was synthesized and simulated in Quartus II. The simulation results show that the system can realize the control of traffic lights and left turn at a crossroads and countdown display, and can automatically control the transition of traffic lights.
Keywords: FPGA, traffic light controller, Quartus II, Verilog HDL
In conclusion, the FPGA-based traffic light control system designed in this project is an efficient and reliable solution for managing traffic at intersections. Through the use of Verilog HDL and Quartus II, the system is able to accurately control the timing and sequence of traffic lights at multiple intersections. This system not only improves traffic flow and reduces the risk of accidents, but also demonstrates the flexibility and effectiveness of FPGA technology in real-world applications. Future advancements in this field could further enhance the capabilities of traffic light control systems, leading to safer and more efficient transportation systems in urban environments.
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