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The TI-THS4551.pdf is a low-noise precision 150MHz fully differential amplifier designed for high-speed data acquisition and signal processing applications. It features a wide bandwidth of 150MHz at a gain of 1V/V, a differential output voltage slew rate of 220V/µs, and a gain-bandwidth product of 135MHz. The amplifier operates within a single supply voltage range of 2.7V to 5.4V and consumes a quiescent current of 1.37mA at 5V. The device exhibits a maximum input offset voltage of ±175µV at 25°C and an input offset voltage drift of ±1.8µV/°C. It also boasts low differential input voltage noise of 3.3nV/√Hz and excellent harmonic distortion performance with HD2 and HD3 values of -128dBc and -139dBc, respectively, at 2V peak-to-peak and 100kHz.
In addition to its impressive electrical characteristics, the THS4551 offers a wide output common-mode control range and is pin-compatible with the THS4521 in the VSSOP-8 package, providing users with an easy upgrade option.
The THS4551 is suitable for a variety of high-precision analog signal processing applications, including driving 24-bit delta-sigma modulator (ADC) converters, 16 to 20-bit differential high-speed successive approximation register (SAR) converters, active filter, and differential impedance amplifier. The device exhibits a settling time of less than 50ns for a 4V step with a 0.01% settling error and offers an 18-bit settling time of less than 500ns for the same step.
Overall, the THS4551 fully differential amplifier provides a simple interface between single-ended sources and differential outputs, making it an ideal choice for high-precision analog signal processing and data acquisition applications. With its low-noise, high-bandwidth, and excellent linearity, the THS4551 offers engineers a versatile and high-performance solution for demanding analog signal processing needs.

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