Tunable, ultra-narrow-band optical filter based on a
whispering gallery mode hybrid-microsphere
Hongdan Wan (万洪丹)*, Hongye Li (李宏业), Haohan Zhu (朱浩瀚), Ji Xu (许 吉),
Yunqing Lu (陆云清), and Jin Wang (王 瑾)**
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China
*Corresponding author: hdwan@njupt.edu.cn; **corresponding author: jinwang@njupt.edu.cn
Received June 11, 2016; accepted September 29, 2016; posted online October 27, 2016
We demonstrate an ultra-narrow-band optical filter based on a hybrid-microsphere consisting of a coated SiO
microsphere. As compared to the SiO
microsphere, the hybrid-microsphere produces a quality factor of >10
a transmission spectrum bandwidth of <1 pm, and an increased side-mode suppression ratio. The microsphere
surface roughness and whispering gallery mode (WGM) transmission spectra are measured experimentally.
A 0.01 nm bandwidth, single-wavelength fiber laser output is achieved with a tunable wavelength, using the
microsphere as the mode selector. The optical field distribution and WGM transmission spectrum of
the hybrid-microsphere with different coating parameters are theoretically investigated by the finite-difference
time-domain method.
OCIS codes: 230.5750, 060.3510, 140.3945, 140.4780.
doi: 10.3788/COL201614.112302.
As applied in optical sensing and communication systems,
narrow-linewidth fiber lasers are of great interest for
development because of their high coherence, flexible
wavelength, and compact structure
. Fiber filters for
narrow-bandwidth laser mode selection are usually real-
ized with fiber gratings, saturable absorbers, Fabry–Pérot
(FP) cavities, etc
, where their bandwidth is usually
broader than 1 GHz. Various cavities including the FP
cavity, the whispering gallery mode (WGM) cavity, and
the polarization controller (PC) cavity are presented
especially since a novel scheme of the integrated FP cavity
using graphene has been recently reporte d
The major
advantages of WGM resonators compared with the FP are
a small size, a large wavelength range where WGM reso-
nators have high quality (Q) factors, and low sensitivity to
mechanical noise
. Recently, an ultra-narrow-band mode
selection method based on a high Q (Q ≈ 10
cavity microsphere is proposed
. A single-mode laser out-
put with a 650 Hz bandwidth is obtained at 1550 nm.
However, manufacturing such a CaF
microsphere out
of a crystal is time and labor consuming. Compared to
the CaF
microsphere, the SiO
microsphere can be easily
fabricated by utilizing the surface tension effect. However,
the Q factor of SiO
microsphere is prone to be redu ced
due to the ellipse asymmetry and the surface contamina-
. Therefore, new methods are needed to improve the
cavity Q of SiO
This Letter proposes a new type of WGM hybrid-
microsphere (HM), which consists of a SiO
coated with a high refractive index layer on the surface.
Based on the total light reflection, the WGM mode is con-
fined inside the cavity, where the scattering loss and radi-
ation loss can be reduced. Thus, the side-mode suppression
ratio is increased, the bandwidth of the WGM transmis-
sion spectrum is compressed, and a high Q factor is
achieved. The mode distribution in the HM is also
investigated based on the finite-difference time-domain
(FDTD) method. The WGM transmission spectra with
different coating parameters, namely the refractive index
and the layer thickness, are analyzed. Also, a single-
wavelength fiber ring laser based on the WGM micro-
sphere is demonstrated.
1 shows the theoretical model and the photo
of the tapered fiber-microsphere coupling system. The
tapered fiber is made from a single-mode SiO
heated by a Hydroxide flame. Its diameter is controlled
to 3–5 μm. The arc discharging and CO
laser heating
methods are used to fabricate the microsphere, while
the latter has better circular symmetry and surface homo-
geneity, being preferred for achieving a higher Q factor.
As it has been validated by previous reports, the Q fac-
tor of a microsphere mainly depends on the surface rough-
, while the scattering loss and absorption loss of
the SiO
microsphere can be ignored, because the diameter
D ¼ 2R is larger than 300 μm, and the absorption coeffi-
cient is small near the infrared wavelength
. Figure 2
shows the surface topography of the SiO
Fig. 1. Tapered fiber-microsphere coupling system: (a) photo of
the coupling system; (b) microspheres fabricated by using the
laser heating method (right, diameter of 300 μm) and by
using the arc discharging method (left, diameter of 200 μm);
(c) structure of the HM.
COL 14(11), 112302(2016) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS November 10, 2016
1671-7694/2016/112302(4) 112302-1 © 2016 Chinese Optics Letters