The Intel386 SX Microprocessor has the ability to
handle up to 256 different interrupts/exceptions. In
order to service the interrupts, a table with up to 256
interrupt vectors must be defined. The interrupt vec-
tors are simply pointers to the appropriate interrupt
service routine. In Real Mode, the vectors are 4-byte
quantities, a Code Segment plus a 16-bit offset; in
Protected Mode, the interrupt vectors are 8 byte
quantities, which are put in an Interrupt Descriptor
Table. Of the 256 possible interrupts, 32 are re-
served for use by Intel and the remaining 224 are
free to be used by the system designer.
When an interrupt occurs, the following actions hap-
pen. First, the current program address and Flags
are saved on the stack to allow resumption of the
interrupted program. Next, an 8-bit vector is supplied
to the Intel386 SX Microprocessor which identifies
the appropriate entry in the interrupt table. The table
contains the starting address of the interrupt service
routine. Then, the user supplied interrupt service
routine is executed. Finally, when an IRET instruc-
tion is executed the old processor state is restored
and program execution resumes at the appropriate
The 8-bit interrupt vector is supplied to the Intel386
SX Microprocessor in several different ways: excep-
tions supply the interrupt vector internally; software
INT instructions contain or imply the vector; maska-
ble hardware interrupts supply the 8-bit vector via
the interrupt acknowledge bus sequence. Non-
Maskable hardware interrupts are assigned to inter-
rupt vector 2.
Maskable Interrupt
Maskable interrupts are the most common way to
respond to asynchronous external hardware events.
A hardware interrupt occurs when the INTR is pulled
HIGH and the Interrupt Flag bit (IF) is enabled. The
processor only responds to interrupts between in-
structions (string instructions have an ‘interrupt win-
dow‘ between memory moves which allows inter-
rupts during long string moves). When an interrupt
occurs the processor reads an 8-bit vector supplied
by the hardware which identifies the source of the
interrupt (one of 224 user defined interrupts).
Interrupts through interrupt gates automatically reset
IF, disabling INTR requests. Interrupts through Trap
Gates leave the state of the IF bit unchanged. Inter-
rupts through a Task Gate change the IF bit accord-
ing to the image of the EFLAGs register in the task’s
Task State Segment (TSS). When an IRET instruc-
tion is executed, the original state of the IF bit is
Non-Maskable Interrupt
Non-maskable interrupts provide a method of servic-
ing very high priority interrupts. When the NMI input
is pulled HIGH it causes an interrupt with an internal-
ly supplied vector value of 2. Unlike a normal hard-
ware interrupt, no interrupt acknowledgment se-
quence is performed for an NMI.
While executing the NMI servicing procedure, the In-
tel386 SX Microprocessor will not service any further
NMI request or INT requests until an interrupt return
(IRET) instruction is executed or the processor is
reset. If NMI occurs while currently servicing an NMI,
its presence will be saved for servicing after execut-
ing the first IRET instruction. The IF bit is cleared at
the beginning of an NMI interrupt to inhibit further
INTR interrupts.
Software Interrupts
A third type of interrupt/exception for the Intel386
SX Microprocessor is the software interrupt. An INT
n instruction causes the processor to execute the
interrupt service routine pointed to by the n
in the interrupt table.
A special case of the two byte software interrupt INT
n is the one byte INT 3, or breakpoint interrupt. By
inserting this one byte instruction in a program, the
user can set breakpoints in his program as a debug-
ging tool.
A final type of software interrupt is the single step
interrupt. It is discussed in Single Step Trap.