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本科生毕业设计的题目是基于jsp ssh的图书推荐管理系统,学生进行了相应的研究和设计,并完成了相关的源码、数据库和论文。该系统的设计旨在实现图书推荐和评价管理的功能,以帮助用户在海量图书中快速找到符合个人口味的图书并进行评价。学生在完成这一设计过程中,应用了jsp和ssh等技术,以实现系统的功能和性能优化。在设计过程中,学生受到了指导教师的指导,并在二级院系的支持下完成了这一设计任务。该系统的完成时间为…
This undergraduate thesis project focuses on the design and implementation of a book recommendation and evaluation management system based on JSP and SSH. The project includes source code, database, and a comprehensive research paper. The system aims to provide users with personalized book recommendations and convenient evaluation management, helping them to quickly find and assess books that align with their preferences from a vast collection. Throughout the design process, the student applied various technologies such as JSP and SSH to optimize the system's functionality and performance. With the guidance of the advisor, and the support from the department, the student successfully completed this project within the designated time frame.
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