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This document titled "JAVA编程题全集(100题及答案)" is a comprehensive collection of 100 Java programming questions along with their answers. The document is in the format of a .docx file which contains a wide range of questions and exercises related to Java programming.
One of the exercises included in this collection is related to writing a Java program to determine whether a given year is a leap year or not using if-else statements. The program is named and is aimed at testing the understanding and implementation of the if-else statements in Java programming.
The program begins with the declaration of a class named LeapYear. The main method is defined within this class which takes an array of String arguments as its parameter. The year to be tested for leap year is initialized with a default value of 2010, but it can be modified by providing a command line argument when running the program.
The if-else statement is used to check whether the provided year is a leap year or not. The program checks if the remainder when dividing the year by 4 is equal to 0, which is the primary condition for a leap year. If the condition is met, the program prints a message indicating that the year is a leap year. If the condition is not met, an else statement is used to print a message indicating that the year is not a leap year.
This exercise serves as a practical application of conditional statements in Java programming, providing the readers with an opportunity to enhance their understanding of the if-else statement and its usage in determining leap years.
Overall, this comprehensive collection of Java programming questions and exercises provides valuable practice and learning opportunities for individuals seeking to improve their programming skills in Java. It covers a wide range of topics and is accompanied by detailed answers, making it a useful resource for both beginners and experienced programmers looking to enhance their expertise in Java programming.
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