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The design of a vision protection device based on the 51 single chip microcomputer is a critical issue in the current society. With the increasing rate of visual impairment among young people, especially students, it has become a pressing concern globally. Research has shown that the prevalence of poor eyesight among primary school students is as high as 26.96%, while for middle school, high school, and college students, the rates are even higher. It is alarming to note that more than 50% of students and their parents lack basic knowledge about eye care, which results in a lack of preventive measures and timely treatment for myopia.
This graduation design project focuses on developing an electronic hardware device to protect and preserve eyesight, particularly for students who are most vulnerable to visual problems. Through practical experiments and research, the device has shown to be reliable and effective in enhancing eyesight protection. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide a solid foundation for the design of multi-functional vision protection devices and to improve the effectiveness of visual protection measures through the use of reliable data and information.
Key words such as sensors, distance measurement, infrared, and vision protection are central to the success of this project. By leveraging technology and scientific research, this vision protection device offers a convenient and practical solution to address the growing concern of visual impairment among young people. It is hoped that this project will contribute to raising awareness about the importance of eye care and inspire further advancements in the field of vision protection.
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