"基于JSP SSH的滑雪场管理系统设计与实施 - 硕士论文"

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The rapid development of the ski industry has brought skiing into people's lives. Ski resort management personnel strengthen internal management and make scientific management decisions at all levels. They formulate accurate management plans and, under the organization of the management department, use existing resources rationally to achieve the strategic goals of the ski resort through modern management system methods. They create a ski industry management model with Chinese characteristics, promoting the vigorous development of China's economy, culture, and sports industry. Through the ski resort management system platform, the informationization, networking, systematization, and standardized management of ski equipment leasing can be realized, freeing users from complex data queries and statistics and better understanding leasing and profit status. The main functions of the system include member information management, ski equipment information management, leasing and return management, and cash flow statistics. The front end of the system mainly uses JSP as the development language, MySQL as the database management system, MyEclipse as the development environment, Tomcat as the server, and developing a web-based B/S structure ski resort management system. Keywords: ski resort, cash management, JSP, B/S structure.
2023-06-10 上传