
需积分: 0 3 下载量 195 浏览量 更新于2024-01-16 收藏 1.58MB DOCX 举报
The design of the network asset discovery engine is essential in today's rapidly expanding Internet space. With the widespread use of Internet devices, the increase in devices connected to the Internet has surpassed the capacity of IPV4 addresses. As the Internet continues to facilitate the extension and expansion of human life into the exchange of information and communication between all objects, the importance of network asset discovery engines becomes increasingly apparent. Through these engines, we are able to quickly identify the number of network cameras, servers, and the usage of open-source components worldwide. Network asset discovery engines play a crucial role in network space mapping, situational awareness, and enterprise asset security management in the field of cybersecurity. Alvin Toffler once mentioned in "The Third Wave" that "Whoever controls the information controls the network, who will own the world." The significance of the network space within the entire national security system has become evident, as seen with the "Prism" incident. The goal of this article is to create a system that can monitor the entire network of devices and even obtain the relevant distribution of devices in a particular region. Through the use of network asset discovery engines, society is able to gain a better understanding of the critical importance of the network space within the national security system. Keywords: network space; network assets; search engine; monitoring.