Effects of Pressure Variation on Polarization
Properties of Obliquely Incident RF Waves
in Re-Entry Plasma Sheath
Zhiwei Liu, Weinmin Bao, Xiaoping Li, Donglin Liu, and Bowen Bai
Abstract—Synthesizing the compressible turbulent flow theory
and plasma electromagnetic (EM) theory together, a novel
method connecting pressure variation and relative permittivity
of re-entry plasma sheath is developed. Using this method
and transmission line analogy, effects of pressure variation
on polarization properties of obliquely incident EM waves at
GPS frequency and Ka frequency is studied. Numerical results
indicate that effects in different conditions are various. When
electron density is lower than 10
, influences of pressure
variation are obvious at GPS frequency, while Ka frequency is
feeble. For GPS frequency, effects enlarge with the increase in
incident angle, but reduce with the increase in collision frequency
and electron density. Ka frequency has more advantages on
mitigating the disturbances of pressure variations in this
situation. While in the opposite situation, influences are more
remarkable at Ka frequency. Considering that GPS wave rapidly
attenuates in the sheath when electron density is higher than
and Ka wave does not, Ka frequency is an effective
way to mitigate the blackout during the re-entry process after
its shortcomings on polarization alteration have been carefully
Index Terms—Electromagnetic (EM) propagation, oblique
incidence, plasma sheath, polarization property, pressure
SPACECRAFT re-entering the earth’s atmosphere
produces intense shock-wave heating and heat-shield
ablation and induces a plasma sheath enveloping it. The
plasma sheath can strongly attenuate radio frequency (RF)
waves and causes a complete loss or severe deterioration
of signals between vehicle and ground-base stations. This
phenomenon is known as the communication blackout and
often sustains several minutes. It is one of the worst situations
for tracking, telemetry, and command (TT&C) [1]. Therefore,
considerable efforts have been directed toward studying the
propagation properties of RF waves transmitting in the plasma
sheath since the 1960s [2]–[8]. These studies mainly focused
Manuscript received March 15, 2015; revised June 12, 2015; accepted
July 19, 2015. Date of publication August 18, 2015; date of current version
September 9, 2015. This work was supported in part by the National Basic
Research Program of China under Grant 2014CB340200 and in part by the
Young Scientists Fund through the National Natural Science Foundation of
China under Grant 61301173.
The authors are with the School of Aerospace Science and Technology,
Xidian University, Xi’an 710126, China (e-mail: milianpanduola@sina.com;
xiaobin60@sina.com; xpl@xidian.edu.cn; donglinliu@stu.xidian.edu.cn;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2015.2461546
on the vertical incident waves. In real situations, waves usually
obliquely propagate through the plasma sheath and received
by the onboard antennas.
Recently, Cheng and Liu [9] discussed the effects of incident
angle on the propagation characteristics for both parallel-
polarized and perpendicular-polarized waves in inhomoge-
neous plasma and found that discrepancies exist between
the transmission properties of the two polarized waves.
Bai et al. [10] discussed the polarization properties of waves
that obliquely propagate in plasma sheath and found that
the larger the incident angle and the lower the collision
frequency is, the worse the deterioration of the polarization
property. In all these research studies mentioned above, plasma
is considered a steady dielectric medium. However, flow in
re-entry conditions is unsteady [11], [12], and parameters of
plasma sheath such as pressure is varying. This induces the
variation of its dielectric properties. Thus, the polarization
properties of RF waves would change.
However, the effects of pressure variation on polarization
properties of RF waves that obliquely incident in the plasma
sheath have not been given much attention. Therefore, this
paper attempts to build a connection between the pressure
variation amplitude and the plasma dielectric properties. Using
this method, effects of pressure variation on polarization
properties could be estimated. This paper takes right-hand cir-
cular polarization (RHCP) wave and RHCP receiving antenna
as an example to study the effects at GPS frequency and
Ka frequency in various plasma conditions. The remainder
of this paper is organized as follows. Section II studies the
relation between the pressure variation amplitude and the
plasma relative permittivity. Section III introduces the physical
model and numerical calculation method used in this paper
and polarization properties that will be analyzed. Section IV
analyzes the polarization properties of RHCP waves
of GPS frequency and Ka frequency receiving by an
RHCP antenna. Section V provides the conclusion.
As plasma is lossy medium, its relative permittivity is
critical for electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation problems.
Considering that electron density is a basic parameter for
plasma and influences the relative permittivity directly, this
paper takes the electron density as the link between relative
permittivity and pressure variation amplitude.
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