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"Learning Cocos2d-JS Game Development.pdf" 本书《Learning Cocos2d-JS Game Development》由Emanuele Feronato撰写,旨在教授读者如何使用Cocos2d-JS框架创建强大且吸引人的跨平台HTML5游戏。Cocos2d-JS是一个流行的开源游戏开发框架,它将Cocos2d-x的性能与JavaScript的便捷性相结合,使得开发者可以编写一次代码,部署到多个平台,包括Web、iOS和Android。 在学习Cocos2d-JS的过程中,你将了解到以下几个关键知识点: 1. **Cocos2d-JS基础**:了解Cocos2d-JS的基本架构,包括场景(Scenes)、层(Layers)、节点(Nodes)以及动作(Actions)。这些是构建游戏世界的基础元素。 2. **图形和渲染**:学习如何使用精灵(Sprites)、纹理(Textures)、位图字体(Bitmap Fonts)以及粒子系统(Particle Systems)来创建游戏视觉效果。理解如何利用Cocos2d-JS的绘图API进行自定义图形绘制。 3. **物理引擎**:Cocos2d-JS集成了Box2D物理引擎,让开发者能够实现真实的物理模拟,如碰撞检测和重力效果,这对于制作平台跳跃或者赛车类游戏至关重要。 4. **事件处理**:掌握事件监听和响应机制,包括触摸事件、键盘事件以及游戏对象间的交互,这对于实现玩家输入响应和游戏逻辑控制是必要的。 5. **动画和序列**:学习如何创建和管理动画序列,包括帧动画和基于动作的动画,使角色和游戏物体具有生动的表现力。 6. **游戏逻辑和状态管理**:理解如何设计和实现游戏循环,以及如何使用状态机来管理游戏的不同阶段,如开始、暂停、重新开始等。 7. **音频和音乐**:了解如何集成和播放背景音乐和音效,增强游戏的沉浸感。 8. **用户界面(UI)**:学习如何创建和布局UI元素,如按钮、文本框和菜单,提供友好的用户交互。 9. **性能优化**:学习如何优化代码和资源以提高游戏性能,包括内存管理、加载策略以及减少计算开销。 10. **发布和打包**:掌握将游戏打包成不同平台的应用程序,包括Web、iOS和Android,以及如何进行调试和测试。 11. **跨平台开发**:了解Cocos2d-JS的跨平台特性,如何在不同的设备和浏览器上保持一致的用户体验。 12. **社区和工具链**:熟悉Cocos2d-JS的开发工具,如Cocos Creator,以及社区资源和最佳实践,以便持续学习和改进。 本书不仅适合初学者,也适合有一定编程基础的开发者,通过实例和实践项目帮助你逐步提升Cocos2d-JS游戏开发技能。作者Emanuele Feronato是一位经验丰富的游戏开发者,他以清晰易懂的方式讲解了游戏开发的核心概念和技术,确保读者能从书中获得宝贵的知识和实践经验。
2015-02-15 上传
Title: Learning Cocos2d-JS Game Development Author: Emanuele Feronato Length: 188 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2015-01-12 ISBN-10: 1784390070 ISBN-13: 9781784390075 Learn to create robust and engaging cross-platform HTML5 games using Cocos2d-JS About This Book Create HTML5 games running both on desktop and mobile devices, played with both mouse and touch controls Add advanced features such as realistic physics, particle effects, scrolling, tweaking, sound effects, background music, and more to your games Build exciting cross-platform games and build a memory game, an endless runner and a physics-driven game Who This Book Is For If you are new to game development or have just gotten your teeth into developing games but desire to learn more, then this book is for you. An understanding of the essentials of JavaScript is required. In Detail Whether you are new to game development or an experienced developer, you will be surprised by how easy it is to create HTML5 cross-platform games with Cocos2d-JS. In this book, you will use JavaScript to create spectacular and exciting games of different genres. Without any dreary theory, which often discourages technical book readers, each chapter will guide you through the creation of different games, each packed with new and exciting features. You will begin by learning the basics of a cross-platform game. You'll also learn to animate, rotate, scroll, and tween sprites. You will learn to make your game more enticing by adding your own special touch using features such as music, sound effects, and physics. You'll also learn to protect, sitelock, export, and publish the games you have created. By the end of the book, you'll have created a complete cross-platform game right from scratch, featuring leader boards and third-party adverts, complete with the final polish every game should require. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Hello World – A Cross-platform Game Chapter 2: Adding Interactivity – The Making of a Concentration Game Chapter 3: Moving Sprites around the Screen – An Endless Runner Chapter 4: Learn about Swipes through the Making of Sokoban Chapter 5: Become a Musical Maestro Chapter 6: Controlling the Game with Virtual Pads Chapter 7: Adding Physics to Your Games Using Box2D Engine Chapter 8: Adding Physics to Your Games Using the Chipmunk2D Engine Chapter 9: Creating Your Own Blockbuster Game – A Complete Match 3 Game