"形容词的用法与位置 - PPT学习教案总结"
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收藏 249KB PPTX 举报
The PPT presentation titled "The Use and Position of Adjectives" provides a comprehensive overview of the use and placement of adjectives in the English language. The learning aims of the presentation include understanding the use and position of adjectives, -ing adjectives and -ed adjectives, a comparison of adjectives and adverbs, as well as adjectives and adverbs ending in -ly.
The presentation begins with an example illustrating the use of adjectives in different positions within a sentence, including as a modifier, predicate adjective, and complement. It emphasizes the importance of correctly placing adjectives before or after nouns, as well as before enough and after indefinite pronouns.
The use of -ing and -ed adjectives is also discussed, highlighting the distinction between the two and providing examples of their usage. The comparison of adjectives and adverbs demonstrates how these words modify different parts of speech and provides guidelines for their correct usage.
Lastly, the presentation covers adjectives and adverbs ending in -ly, explaining their roles and placement within sentences.
Overall, the PPT presentation serves as a valuable resource for understanding the use and position of adjectives in English grammar, providing clear examples and explanations to support learning and comprehension.
2021-10-07 上传
2021-10-08 上传

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