
0 下载量 53 浏览量 更新于2024-04-04 收藏 8.4MB DOC 举报
Abstract: As the education level in China continues to improve, studying abroad has become a common practice for many university students. However, often times, these international students lack a platform for communication and interaction. Either they study on their own or attend training classes. In order to provide a better platform for communication and interaction for international students, we have developed the Study Abroad Student Communication and Interaction Forum System. This system is developed from the user's perspective, taking into account the current environment. The system is developed using Java language, SSM framework, MySQL database, and IDE as the development tool. The Study Abroad Student Communication and Interaction Forum System is divided into front and back-end parts. The front-end part is mainly for user use, including the user's homepage, registration and login, experience sharing, program sharing, software recommendations, website recommendations, communication forums, information, and online messaging functions. The back-end part is mainly for administrator use, including the homepage, personal center, international student management, experience category management, experience sharing management, program category management, program sharing management, software category management, software recommendation management, website recommendation management, communication forums, system management, etc. These functions essentially meet the needs of international students for communication and mutual assistance. Keywords: International students; communication and interaction forum; SSM framework; MySQL.
2023-06-20 上传