Low cross-talk, deep subwavelength plasmonic
metal/insulator/metal waveguide intersections
with broadband tunability
Tae-Woo Lee, Da Eun Lee, Young Jin Lee, and Soon-Hong Kwon*
Department of Physics, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, South Korea
*Corresponding author: soonhong.kwon@gmail.com
Received July 31, 2016; revised September 28, 2016; accepted October 2, 2016;
posted October 4, 2016 (Doc. ID 272935); published October 26, 2016
We suggest a low cross-talk plasmonic cross-connector based on a metal/insulator/metal cavity and waveguides.
We separately investigate the isolated cavity mode, the waveguide mode, and the combination of cavity and wave-
guide modes using a finite-different time-domain method. Due to resonant tunneling and the cutoff frequency of
the odd waveguide mode, our proposed structure achieves a high throughput transmission ratio and eliminates
cross-talk. Furthermore, the proposed structure has a broadband tunability of 587 nm, which can be achieved by
modulating the cavity air gap thickness. This structure enables the miniaturization of photonic integrated circuits
and sensing applications. © 2016 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (250.5403) Plasmonics; (240.6680) Surface plasmons; (230.5750) Resonators; (230.7370)
Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are propagating collective
oscillations that are electromagnetic waves coupled with free
electrons between a dielectric and a metallic interface.
Compared to conventional optics, SPPs can manipulate light
beyond the subwavelength regime. This is because the field
confinement of SPPs overcomes the diffraction limit of light
near the surface plasmon frequency [1–15]. Recent studies
have demonstrated the application of plasmonic devices such
as optical switches [2,3], biochemical sensors [4,5], and
advanced displays [6,7]. Plasmonic waveguides [5,8–13] are
another example of plasmonic applications. Due to their sub-
wavelength mode confinement, SPP waveguides are among
the best candidates for compact photonic integrated circuits
(PICs). In SPP waveguides, the trade-off between the lateral
confinement and propagation length is determined by the
geometry. Metal/insulator/metal (MIM) waveguides are suit-
able for optical data transmission in PICs because of their
deep subwavelength modal area, strong confinement, and rel-
atively long propagation length [10–14]. In order to construct
more compact and less complex PICs, it is also necessary to
intersect waveguide devices [13,16–18]. In addition, for effi-
cient signal transduction, SPPs must be able to propagate
in a desired direction. Therefore, elimination of cross-talk
must be achieved.
In photonic crystal waveguides, low cross-talk structures
have been proposed based on the resonant tunneling and
mode symmetry [16,17]. Minimizing cross-talk in the metal slot
waveguides and dielectric ridge waveguides has also been
studied [13,18]. However, previous research was mostly lim-
ited in two-dimensional (2D) simulations, which cannot con-
sider radiation loss. Also, the previous crossing regions to
minimize cross-talk usually had a size of several micrometers
or at least a wavelength. Only a few three-dimensional (3D)
studies on low cross-talk cross-connecting waveguides with
deep subwavelength size have been reported [19].
In order to understand the transmission properties of con-
ventional cross-connected MIM waveguides, we investigated
the transmission properties of a system consisting of two
MIM waveguides that are orthogonally crossed, as shown in
Fig. 1(a). Each MIM waveguide consists of two silver strips
with a width of 290 nm and a thickness of 100 nm; these
are separated by an air gap with a size of 10 nm. In this
MIM structure, the SPP waveguide mode with a target wave-
length of 1550 nm (λ
) is tightly confined inside of the air gap
[side-view of Fig. 1(b)]. The cross-sectional physical mode
area is 290 nm × 10 nm, which is a deep subwavelength size
of 0.0012λ
. In this structure, when the SPP mode is injected
from one of the waveguides, as shown in the top-view of
Fig. 1(b), 53.4% of the mode energy transmits through the
junction to the straight arm waveguide and 46.6% of the mode
propagates to the two orthogonal waveguides. This large
cross-talk (46.6%) will lower the signal to the desired wave-
guide (i.e., the straight waveguide) and cause a large amount
of noise in unwanted waveguides (i.e., the orthogonal wave-
guides). The cross-talk can be suppressed by introducing a
cavity and using resonant tunneling and mode symmetry
[16,17]. In addition, the cutoff frequency of the waveguide
mode will prevent coupling with unwanted waveguides.
In this article, we propose a theoretical tunable cross-con-
nector, which transmits a signal into the desired waveguide
with low cross-talk using resonant tunneling and the sym-
metries of the cavity and waveguide modes. The transmitting
wavelength can be tuned over a broad spectral range (500 nm)
with a center wavelength of 1550 nm. This is done by adjusting
the air gap of the cavity placed at the waveguide intersection.
Broadband light is injected, and the transmitting signal and
272 Photon. Res. / Vol. 4, No. 6 / December 2016 Lee et al.
2327-9125/16/060272-05 © 2016 Chinese Laser Press