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LG Sourcing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lowe's Companies, Inc., is a manufacturer, trade importer, and supplier for Lowe's. Their mission is to support and complement Lowe's marketing and merchandising strategy by developing, sourcing, and shipping trend-right, low-cost, high-value, and reliable imported products from around the world. Their core functions include locating and qualifying new factories and country sources, developing products and factories, reviewing sample iterations for the US market, negotiating pricing and terms, educating vendors on Lowe's requirements, project managing new products, and managing vendor performance.
LG Sourcing was established in 2006 and has since been a key player in Lowe's supply chain. They have a world-class and socially responsible global infrastructure that allows them to source products from various countries and factories while ensuring they meet Lowe's standards and requirements. They are dedicated to providing Lowe's with high-quality products at competitive prices, ultimately benefiting Lowe's customers.
The training materials for Lowe's suppliers cover a wide range of topics related to LG Sourcing, including its mission, core functions, and the importance of meeting Lowe's requirements. Suppliers are expected to adhere to the standards set forth by LG Sourcing and deliver products that meet the demands of the market.
In conclusion, LG Sourcing plays a crucial role in Lowe's supply chain by sourcing products from around the world and ensuring they meet Lowe's standards and requirements. Their dedication to providing trend-right, low-cost, high-value, and reliable products contributes to Lowe's success in the retail industry. Through their world-class infrastructure and socially responsible practices, LG Sourcing continues to support and complement Lowe's marketing and merchandising strategy, ultimately benefiting Lowe's customers.

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