A Ka-Band Waveguide-Based Traveling-Wave
Spatial Power Divider/Combiner
Zhi-Yong Kang
, Qing-Xin Chu
,Qiong -Sen Wu
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology
Guangzhou, 510640, China
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Microwave Technology
Xi’an, 710100, China
kang.zy@mail.scut.edu.cn, qxchu@scut.edu.cn
Abstract- A Ka-band waveguide-based four-stage eight-way
power divider/combiner is presented based on the traveling-wave
technique and the spatial power combining technique. The dual-
probe, which are symmetrically inserted in one broadside of the
waveguide, double the power dividing ways without adding the
insertion loss. The method of images is used to simplify the
analysis and design process of the dual-probe structure. The
power divider/combiner is designed, fabricated and measured to
demonstrate its wide bandwidth and low insertion loss
performance. From 30GHz to 40GHz, the measured return loss of
the back-to-back structure is lower than -15dB and the insertion
loss is less than 1.2dB.
It is necessary to combine power from multiple devices to
obtain the desired power levels because the output power from
an individual solid-state device is often not enough in
millimeter-wave frequencies [1] [2]. Recent years, a lot of
excellent work has been done in power combining technology
to improve the output power, combining efficiency, and
operation frequency band. Traveling-wave waveguide-based
power divider/combiner, which is coupled power along the
main transmission line, has been widely studied. The traveling-
wave waveguide-based power divider/combiner was first
proposed in [3], where the equivalent circuit and the design
method were presented, and the four-stage X-band dual-coaxial
probes structure was designed. An eight-way traveling-wave
power combiner using a slotted waveguide was proposed at
Ka-band in [4]. The structure had a bandwidth from 31.8GHz
to 35GHz with the combining efficiency of 80%. A planar
compatible traveling-wave power divider/combiner structure at
X-band was presented in [5]. The N=4 structure exhibited the
relative bandwidth of 15% and the power combining efficiency
of approximately 80%.
As an important factor of the power combiner, a lot of work
has been done to improve the combining coefficient [6] [7].
The spatial power diving/combining technique [8]-[10] is
widely studied for the character of low insertion loss. Because
the N-way power dividing/combining is carried out in one step
without adding transmission line, the insertion loss can be very
low, especially in the large number condition.
In this paper, the traveling-wave power dividing/combining
technique and the spatial power dividing/combing technique
are combined to realize the multi-way power divider/ combiner
with high combining coefficient. The proposed four-stage
eight-way power divider/combiner has the character of
wideband operation by canceling reflection at each dividing
stage. In each stage, a pair of micro-strip probes are
symmetrically inserted one broadside of the waveguide. The
dual-probe doubles the coupling ways in the same dividing
stages without adding insertion loss since the transmission line
is not added. To verify its performance, the traveling-wave
spatial power divider/combiner is designed, fabricated and
Fig.1 The structure of the four-stage dual-probe traveling-wave power
The structure of the proposed Ka-band four-stage eight-way
traveling-wave spatial power divider/combiner is shown in
Fig.1. The input power from the waveguide is equally divided
into eight planar probes, which are dual-probe structure
symmetrically along the center line of the broadside of the
waveguide in one stage. Each probe then directs the divided
power into a micro-strip transmission line, whose impedance
match with the active circuit. Then the divided power is
combined in the output waveguide via the same structure.
Considering the symmetric of the dual-probe structure, the
method of images is used to simplify the analysis and design