Plaintext-dependent selective image encryption
scheme based on chaotic maps and DNA coding
Lin Li
, Yingying Yao
, Xiaolin Chang
Beijing Key Laboratory of Security and Privacy in Intelligent Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, P.R. China
School of Computer and Information Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, P. R. China
Email: {lilin, 17112100, xlchang }
Abstract—With the rapid development of Multimedia
technology, the secure transmission of digital images over the
Internet has become more and more important issue. To
guarantee the security, a new selective image encryption scheme
based on chaotic maps and DNA coding has been proposed in this
paper. Selective image encryption means that only the front four
most significant bits of each image pixel is encrypted, so it can
reduce half of image data and improve the encryption speed.
XOR 192 bits plain information extracted from the least
significant bits of the pixels with the secret key to influence the
encryption process, so it is plaintext-dependent, which is an
efficient to resist the chosen-plaintext attack. The extreme
sensitivity of Logistic and Spatiotemporal chaotic system can
greatly increase the complexity of the proposed selective image
scheme. Eight DNA coding rules are mixed to enhance the
efficiency of image confusion and diffusion. Experimental
simulation and analysis demonstrates the high security to resist
different attacks and high efficiency with fast encryption speed,
which can be practical in real applications.
Keywords—plaintext-dependent; encryption scheme; chaotic
maps; DNA coding
In modern digital age, the secure transmission of confidential
images over the Internet has become a common interest both in
both research and application fields. Cryptographic techniques are
commonly used to guarantee sufficient security, integrity,
confidentiality during image storage and transmission. Different
from the text data, images have some special characteristics such
as bulk data volume, high redundancy and high pixel correlation
between adjacent pixels. So traditional encryption techniques like
DES, triple Data Encryption Standard (3-DES) and Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) [1] are not fit for image encryption.
So it is necessary to research new image encryption schemes.
Many image encryption schemes have been proposed, which
are generally categorized into full image encryption [2]-[5] and
selective (or partial) image encryption (SIE) scheme [6]-[10]. Full
image encryption algorithms deal with all image data, which
consumes much time and resources and is not appropriate for
real-time applications. Selective image encryption methods can
offers significant savings in computations, cost, and time by only
encrypting carefully selected portions of the original image. It
does not strive for maximum security, but trades off security for
computational efficiency, which has a significant importance in
many real-time applications, such as such as teleconference,
surveillance camera and so on.
So the research of selective image encryption has attracted
people’s attention, and different techniques are proposed to design
selective image encryption technique, such as fractional wavelet
domain [8], pixels of interest and singular value decomposition
[9], DCT transform [10]. Another alternative is to combine the
encryption scheme with compression algorithm to reduce the size
of the cipher image [11][12]. However, such algorithms make the
encryption/compression algorithm more complex and will make
their implementation harder.
Tao et al. [6] designed a selective image encryption based
spatiotemporal chaotic system to encrypt only a portion of
significant bits of each image pixel, which can reduce half of the
encrypted image data. But it is vulnerable to chosen-ciphertext,
chosen-plaintext and known-plaintext attacks [13]. The modified
scheme in [13] ad
opts block cipher mode, which still influence the
efficiency of image encryption. The characteristics of DNA
computing includes massive parallelism, huge storage and
ultra-low power consumption [14]. DNA-based image encryption
[15][16] is one of the latest and most image encryption method.
Recently, an efficient and noise resistive selective image
encryption scheme for gray images based on chaotic maps and
DNA complementary rules is proposed [17], but it is invertible to
decrypt in practical applications since the hash value of plain
image is essential to modulate the initial keys.
From the inspiration of Ref. [6][17] and our previous work [18],
we propose a novel selective image scheme based on DNA coding
and chaotic maps in this paper. Each pixel is split into two parts:
the front four most significant bits (MSB) and the rear four least
significant bits (LSB) and only the significant bits are encrypted to
reduce image data. 192 bits plain image information is extracted
from LSB part and used to encrypt MSB part with the secret key.
The Logistic system is iterated to produce the DNA matrix and the
image encoding rules, and perform the DNA addition operation
with DNA-encoded image permuted by Spatiotemporal chaotic
system. Experiment analysis shows that the proposed selective
image scheme can resist different attacks and promote encryption
speed greatly compared with the full image encryption scheme
Fourth International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications
978-1-5386-3690-9/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/DSA.2017.18