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As the rapid development of network technology and the popularity of computer applications, it is imperative to manage the daily work of libraries using computers. Although many large libraries already have a relatively complete management system, in some small to medium-sized libraries, most of the work still needs to be done manually, resulting in low efficiency. Administrators are unable to promptly understand the borrowing status of various types of books in the library, and readers find it difficult to find the books they need in a short period, which makes it inconvenient to dynamically and timely adjust the book structure. In order to better meet the borrowing needs of current readers, and to solve many shortcomings in manual management, more and more small to medium-sized libraries are gradually transitioning to computer information management.
JSP is one of the most popular and widely used web development languages in the world. It has open source code, unique syntax structure, cross-platform compatibility, and many other excellent features. Therefore, using the JSP language combined with the open-source MySQL database to develop a small to medium-sized library management system can effectively solve various problems existing in school libraries, allowing libraries to better serve teachers and students.
Keywords: Library Management System, JSP, MySQL, Software Engineering
This abstract highlights the importance of utilizing JSP and MySQL to develop a library management system to improve the efficiency and service of small to medium-sized libraries. The paper discusses the challenges faced by libraries in manual management, the benefits of utilizing JSP and MySQL, and the overall impact of transitioning to computer information management. The study emphasizes the significance of technology in enhancing library services and meeting the evolving needs of readers.
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